Python Replace If

  1. 說明

筆記如何使用 Python 透過 pands 來處理大量資料的關鍵字比對與取代 (Replace If) 的方式。



import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

# Function to assign a category based on keywords in the 'Message' column
def categorizer(row):
    message_text = row['Message']

    # Define keywords associated with each category color
    category_keywords = OrderedDict({
        "Red": ["Apple", "Strawberry"],
        "Yellow": ["Banana", "Lemon", "Pineapple"],
        "Purple": ["Grapes"],
        "Orange": ["Orange"],
        "Blue": ["Blueberry"],
        "Green": ["Watermelon"],
        "Brown": ["Kiwi"]

    for category, keywords in category_keywords.items():
        if any(keyword.lower() in message_text.lower() for keyword in keywords):
            return category  # Return color if any keyword matches

    # Return the original message text if no match is found
    return message_text

# Read data from Excel file
df = pd.read_excel('input.xlsx')

# Apply the categorization function directly to the DataFrame
df['Category'] = df.apply(categorizer, axis=1)

# Write the updated DataFrame back to Excel
df.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False)


Message Category
She eats an apple every morning to start her day with a healthy snack. Red
The strawberry shortcake was topped with fresh, juicy strawberries. Red
He blends a banana into his smoothie for extra creaminess. Yellow
Grapes are a great option for a quick and easy snack during the day. Purple
The freshly squeezed orange juice tasted both sweet and tangy. Orange
Her favorite muffin flavor is blueberry because of the tiny bursts of sweetness. Blue
The tart flavor of the kiwi pairs well with the sweetness of other fruits. Brown
They added fresh pineapple chunks to the tropical fruit salad. Red
Mango smoothies are perfect for a refreshing and exotic taste.
Watermelon slices are a staple at summer picnics for their hydrating qualities. Green