Python 開發實務程式碼片段集合 Coding like Ninja with Snippets

  1. Python 101 🐍
    1. Text file read & write
    2. Print Number in Binary
  2. Import Modules 📦
    1. Import BeauifulSoup to parse HTML / XML
    2. Import Colorama for CLI Colorful Output
    3. Import argparse for handle CLI args
    4. Import hashlib, Hash strings with md5 5
    5. Import shutil, How to zip file
  3. Datetime Magician 📅
    1. Datetime Handle
    2. 取得民國年 / 月 / 日
  4. Advanced Data Structures 🧊
    1. How to Sort Dictionary object
    2. Default Dictionary
    3. NamedTuple
    4. Python GroupBy
  5. Automation 🤖
    1. Automation Keyboard Control
  6. Pending To Archive 🗝️
    1. python encoding

綜整日常 Python 開發慣用的 Snippets ,讓開發保持沉浸在心流不斷的快感 🐱‍👤


Python 101 🐍

Text file read & write

讀寫 txt file 的起手式。

def saveTxt(fileName = 'f.txt'):
    with open(fileName, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
def loadTxt(fileName = 'f.txt'):
    with open(fileName, encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
        return f.readlines()

Import Modules 📦

Import BeauifulSoup to parse HTML / XML

載入 BeauifulSoup 處理爬下來的 HTML 資料起手式。

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'lxml')
eautifulSoup(s.text.encode().decode('utf-8'), 'html.parser')

Import Colorama for CLI Colorful Output

載入 Colorama 用來控制 CLI 輸出的內容色彩。

from colorama import Style, Fore, Back

Import argparse for handle CLI args

載入 argparse 讓設計 CLI Tools 更為簡易。

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
parser.add_argument('-flag', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()

Import hashlib, Hash strings with md5 5

import hashlib

Import shutil, How to zip file

如何壓縮檔案為 zip

import shutil
shutil.make_archive(r'path\filename', 'zip', r'toZipPath\')

Datetime Magician 📅

Datetime Handle

如何將 Datetime Object 轉會為特別的字串形式。"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

取得民國年 / 月 / 日

    v if int(v) < 2000 else str(int(v) - 1911) 
    for v in"%Y-%m%d").split("-")

Advanced Data Structures 🧊

How to Sort Dictionary object

如何排序 Dict Object

sorted(_dcit.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse = True)

Default Dictionary

from collections import defaultdict
dicWithDefaultList = defaultdict(list)


from collections import namedtuple
EMPLOYEE = namedtuple('EMPLOYEE', ['name', 'pid'])

Python GroupBy

city_list = [
    ('TW', 'Taipei'), ('TW', 'Kaohsiung'),
    ('JP', 'Tokyo'),
    ('US', 'NewYork'),
    ('FR', 'Paris'), ('FR', 'Lille')
list(itertools.groupby(city_list, lambda ele : ele[0]))

#[('TW', <itertools._grouper at 0x121880af6d8>),
#('JP', <itertools._grouper at 0x121880af0f0>),
#('US', <itertools._grouper at 0x121880af5f8>),
#('FR', <itertools._grouper at 0x121880af400>)]

Automation 🤖

Automation Keyboard Control

import time, pyautogui, random
while True:
  time.sleep(random.randint(3, 5))
  time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3))
  pyautogui.hotkey('win', 'prtscr')

Pending To Archive 🗝️

python encoding