Blazor 元件之間的參數傳遞與事件處理 (Components Parameters And EventCallBack)

  1. 說明

筆記如何處理 Blazor 父子元件之間參數傳遞與事件處理,讓演算法行為可以封裝在子元件當中達成重複使用的效益 😎




@page "/page1"

<div>MyProperty @MyProperty</div>

<ClickButton CallbackMethod="UpdateProperty" CurrentValue="MyProperty" BtnDisplay="ChildComponent" />

@code {
    private int MyProperty { get; set; }

    private void RandomValue()
        var rand = new Random();
        MyProperty = rand.Next(1, 100);

    private void UpdateProperty(int value)
        MyProperty = value;


<div class="btn @BtnColor" @onclick="Callback">@BtnDisplay</div>

@code {
    public string? BtnDisplay { get; set; }

    public string? BtnColor { get; set; } = "btn-outline-info";

    public int CurrentValue { get; set; }

    public EventCallback<int> CallbackMethod { get; set; }

    private int BtnAlgorithm()
        return CurrentValue + 1;

    private async Task Callback()
        CurrentValue = BtnAlgorithm();
        await CallbackMethod.InvokeAsync(CurrentValue);

如果要進一步有多個子元件,子元件本身有相同的 HTML Template 但差別的演算法,可以藉由 @inherits 的方式達成 😀

<!-- BaseComponent.razor -->

<h3>Base Component</h3>

<p>This is the base component.</p>

<!-- DerivedComponent.razor -->

@inherits BaseComponent

<h3>Derived Component</h3>

<p>This is the derived component.</p>

<!-- You can add additional content or customize behavior here. -->