To become an Frontend Developer in 2024, what should you learn?
Before diving into HTML, it’s important to understand the context and basics of web development:
- 0.1 Introduction to Web Development: Understanding the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in creating websites.
- 0.2 Basics of Internet and Browsers: How the internet works and the role of web browsers.
- 0.3 Introduction to Markup Languages: Understanding the concept of markup languages and their purpose.
- 0.4 Basic Computer Literacy: Familiarity with using a computer and basic software, essential for any web development.
Main Curriculum
Now, we’ll move on to the specific HTML topics:
- 1.1 HTML Basics: Understanding the structure of an HTML document, tags, elements, and attributes.
- 1.2 Working with Text: Learning about headings, paragraphs, lists, and formatting text.
- 1.3 Hyperlinks and Navigation: Creating links to other pages and websites.
- 1.4 Images and Multimedia: Embedding images, video, and audio in web pages.
- 1.5 Tables and Forms: Designing and using tables for data presentation; creating and handling forms.
- 1.6 HTML5 Features: Exploring new elements in HTML5 like section, article, and more.
- 1.7 Semantic HTML: Understanding the importance of semantic elements for accessibility and SEO.
- 1.8 Responsive Design Basics: Introduction to making web pages look good on all devices.
- 1.9 Project: Building a Simple Website: Applying learned skills to create a basic website.
- 1.10 Review and Assessments: Reviewing the key concepts and practical assessments.
Before diving deep into CSS, it’s crucial to understand its foundational aspects:
- 0.1 Introduction to CSS: Understanding what CSS is and its role in web development.
- 0.2 Basics of Styling: Learning about CSS syntax and basic properties like color, font, and background.
- 0.3 The Box Model: Understanding the box model concept in CSS (content, padding, border, margin).
- 0.4 Selectors and Specificity: Learning how to select elements to style and understanding specificity rules.
Main Curriculum
- 1.1 Advanced Styling Techniques: Exploring advanced properties and values in CSS.
- 1.2 Layout with Flexbox: Learning how to use Flexbox for efficient and flexible layouts.
- 1.3 Grid Layouts: Understanding and applying CSS Grid for complex web layouts.
- 1.4 Responsive Design: Techniques for making web pages look good on all devices using media queries.
- 1.5 CSS Animations and Transitions: Creating dynamic interactions and effects with CSS animations and transitions.
- 1.6 Preprocessors (like SASS): Introduction to CSS preprocessors and their benefits in larger projects.
- 1.7 Best Practices: Learning about best practices in CSS for maintainability and performance.
- 1.8 Project: Designing a Responsive Web Page: Applying learned skills to create a stylish, responsive web page.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing the key concepts and practical assessments.
Understanding the foundations of JavaScript is key:
- 0.1 Introduction to JavaScript: Basic concepts of JavaScript and its role in web development.
- 0.2 JavaScript Syntax: Learning about variables, data types, operators, and basic syntax.
- 0.3 Control Structures: Introduction to if-else statements, loops, and switch cases.
- 0.4 Functions: Understanding function declaration, expressions, and scope.
- 0.5 Basic DOM Manipulation: Learning to interact with HTML elements using JavaScript.
Main Curriculum
Delving deeper into JavaScript:
- 1.1 Advanced DOM Manipulation: More complex interactions with the Document Object Model (DOM).
- 1.2 Asynchronous JavaScript: Understanding callbacks, promises, and async/await.
- 1.3 Modern JavaScript (ES6+): Exploring new features like arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and more.
- 1.4 JavaScript Frameworks: Introduction to popular frameworks like React or Vue.js.
- 1.5 Event Handling: Deep dive into handling user interactions through events.
- 1.6 Working with APIs: Fetching data from APIs and handling JSON.
- 1.7 Error Handling and Debugging: Techniques to identify and fix errors in JavaScript code.
- 1.8 Project: Building an Interactive Web Application: Applying learned skills to create a functional web app.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Consolidating knowledge with practical exercises and assessments.
Before diving into Git, it’s important to understand the basics and the need for version control:
- 0.1 Introduction to Version Control: Understanding the concept of version control and its importance.
- 0.2 Basics of Git: Learning about Git, its purpose, and basic commands like git init, git clone, git add, and git commit.
- 0.3 Setting Up Git: How to install and configure Git on your machine.
- 0.4 Git Repositories: Understanding local and remote repositories (like GitHub).
Main Curriculum
Delving deeper into the world of Git:
- 1.1 Branching and Merging: Learning how to create branches, switch between them, and merge changes.
- 1.2 Collaborating with Git: Best practices for collaborating on projects using Git.
- 1.3 Advanced Git Commands: Exploring more complex commands like git rebase, git stash, and git cherry-pick.
- 1.4 Resolving Merge Conflicts: Techniques for resolving conflicts that occur during merging.
- 1.5 Git Workflow Strategies: Understanding different workflow strategies like Gitflow and feature branching.
- 1.6 Integrating Git with IDEs: How to use Git within integrated development environments.
- 1.7 Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and Git: Introduction to using Git with CI/CD pipelines.
- 1.8 Project Management with Git: Using Git for effective project management and tracking.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts and practical assessments to solidify understanding.
To get started with GitHub, it’s essential to understand its basics:
- 0.1 Introduction to GitHub: Understanding what GitHub is and its role in development.
- 0.2 GitHub Repositories: Learning how to create and manage repositories.
- 0.3 Basic Git Integration: Understanding how to use Git with GitHub for version control.
- 0.4 Issue Tracking and Collaboration: Introduction to using issues and pull requests for collaboration.
Main Curriculum
Expanding your knowledge of GitHub:
- 1.1 Advanced Repository Management: Exploring advanced features of GitHub repositories.
- 1.2 Branching and Merging with GitHub: Understanding how to manage branches and merge requests on GitHub.
- 1.3 GitHub Actions and CI/CD: Learning about GitHub Actions for automation and continuous integration/continuous deployment.
- 1.4 Project Management Tools: Using GitHub’s project management features like Projects and Kanban boards.
- 1.5 GitHub Pages: Introduction to hosting websites directly from GitHub repositories.
- 1.6 Collaborative Development: Best practices for collaborating with others on GitHub.
- 1.7 Open Source Contribution: How to contribute to open-source projects on GitHub.
- 1.8 Security and Permissions: Understanding repository security and access permissions.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises.
Understanding the basics of package management and NPM:
- 0.1 Introduction to Package Managers: Understanding the role and importance of package managers in development.
- 0.2 Basics of NPM: Learning about NPM, its purpose, and basic commands.
- 0.3 Setting Up NPM: How to install NPM and configure it on your machine.
- 0.4 Understanding package.json: Learning about the package.json file and its significance.
Main Curriculum
Expanding your knowledge of NPM:
- 1.1 Managing Packages: Advanced techniques for managing packages, including updating, removing, and handling version conflicts.
- 1.2 Semantic Versioning: Understanding semantic versioning and its importance in package management.
- 1.3 Creating and Publishing Packages: Learning how to create your own NPM packages and publish them.
- 1.4 Managing Dependencies: Best practices for managing project dependencies.
- 1.5 NPM Scripts: Utilizing NPM scripts to automate tasks.
- 1.6 Security in NPM: Understanding security aspects, including managing vulnerabilities in packages.
- 1.7 NPM and Build Tools: Integrating NPM with build tools like Webpack or Gulp.
- 1.8 Collaborative Development with NPM: Using NPM in team environments and collaborative projects.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Before diving into Vue.js, understanding its context and basics is crucial:
- 0.1 Introduction to Vue.js: Understanding what Vue.js is and its place in web development.
- 0.2 Setting Up Vue.js: Learning how to set up a Vue.js development environment.
- 0.3 Basic Vue.js Concepts: Understanding the Vue instance, data binding, and directives.
- 0.4 Components in Vue.js: Introduction to components and their usage.
Main Curriculum
Expanding your skills in Vue.js:
- 1.1 Deep Dive into Components: Exploring more advanced component features like props, events, and slots.
- 1.2 State Management with Vuex: Learning about state management and how Vuex helps in large applications.
- 1.3 Vue Router: Understanding how to handle routing in single-page applications (SPAs) using Vue Router.
- 1.4 Building Large-Scale Applications: Best practices and patterns for building larger Vue.js applications.
- 1.5 Vue CLI and Tooling: Utilizing the Vue CLI for project scaffolding and development.
- 1.6 Reactive Data and Computed Properties: Advanced handling of reactive data and computed properties.
- 1.7 Integrating with Backend Services: How to integrate Vue.js applications with backend APIs.
- 1.8 Advanced Features and Plugins: Exploring advanced Vue.js features and the use of plugins.
- 1.9 Project: Building a Complete Vue.js Application: Applying learned skills to create a comprehensive project.
- 1.10 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts and practical assessments to solidify understanding.
Before jumping into Tailwind CSS, understanding its context and basics is important:
- 0.1 Introduction to Tailwind CSS: Understanding what Tailwind is and its utility-first approach.
- 0.2 Setting Up Tailwind: Learning how to install and integrate Tailwind into your web projects.
- 0.3 Basic Utilities in Tailwind: Exploring the basic utility classes for layout, typography, and colors.
- 0.4 Responsive Design with Tailwind: Understanding how to use Tailwind for responsive design.
Main Curriculum
Expanding your skills in Tailwind CSS:
- 1.1 Advanced Layout Techniques: Exploring complex layouts with Flexbox and Grid utilities.
- 1.2 Customizing Tailwind: Learning how to customize Tailwind using configuration files and custom utilities.
- 1.3 State Variants and Pseudo-Classes: Using state variants like hover, focus, and more.
- 1.4 Tailwind Plugins: Introduction to plugins and how to extend Tailwind’s functionality.
- 1.5 Building Components: Techniques for building reusable components with Tailwind.
- 1.6 Performance Optimization: Best practices for optimizing Tailwind CSS for production.
- 1.7 Combining Tailwind with CSS Frameworks: Understanding how to use Tailwind alongside other CSS frameworks or preprocessors.
- 1.8 Project: Building a Tailwind-Powered Website: Applying learned skills to create a comprehensive web project.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Consolidating knowledge with practical exercises and assessments.
Understanding the foundational aspects of Bootstrap:
- 0.1 Introduction to Bootstrap: Learning what Bootstrap is and its role in web design.
- 0.2 Installing and Setting Up Bootstrap: How to incorporate Bootstrap into your projects.
- 0.3 Bootstrap Grid System: Understanding the grid system for responsive layouts.
- 0.4 Basic Components: Exploring Bootstrap’s basic components like buttons, forms, and navigation bars.
Main Curriculum
Advancing your skills in Bootstrap:
- 1.1 Advanced Components: Deep dive into more complex components like modals, carousels, and accordions.
- 1.2 Customizing Bootstrap: Learning how to customize Bootstrap’s default themes and styles.
- 1.3 Bootstrap and JavaScript: Understanding how to use Bootstrap’s JavaScript plugins.
- 1.4 Responsive Design Techniques: Advanced techniques for creating responsive designs with Bootstrap.
- 1.5 Bootstrap Utilities: Utilizing Bootstrap’s utility classes for spacing, sizing, and alignment.
- 1.6 Integrating Bootstrap with Front-End Frameworks: How to use Bootstrap in conjunction with frameworks like Vue.js or React.
- 1.7 Project: Building a Bootstrap-Based Website: Applying learned skills to create a complete web project.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
BEM (Block, Element, Modifier)
Understanding the foundational aspects of BEM in CSS:
- 0.1 Introduction to CSS Architecture: Grasping the importance of organized and scalable CSS.
- 0.2 Basics of BEM: Learning the BEM methodology and its naming conventions.
- 0.3 Implementing BEM: Practicing the application of BEM in small projects.
- 0.4 The Benefits of BEM: Understanding how BEM aids in maintaining large-scale CSS codebases.
Main Curriculum
Advancing your skills in CSS Architecture with BEM:
- 1.1 Advanced BEM Techniques: Exploring more complex BEM scenarios and solutions.
- 1.2 BEM and Preprocessors: Integrating BEM with CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS.
- 1.3 BEM in Responsive Design: Applying BEM principles in responsive web design.
- 1.4 Organizing CSS with BEM: Strategies for organizing and structuring CSS files using BEM.
- 1.5 Combining BEM with Other Methodologies: Learning how to use BEM in combination with other CSS methodologies like OOCSS and SMACSS.
- 1.6 Project: Building a Scalable CSS Architecture: Creating a project that employs BEM methodology effectively.
- 1.7 Best Practices and Common Pitfalls: Understanding best practices in BEM and common mistakes to avoid.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Before diving into SASS, understanding its basics and context is important:
- 0.1 Introduction to CSS Preprocessors: Understanding the role and benefits of preprocessors in CSS development.
- 0.2 Basics of SASS: Learning SASS syntax, including variables, nesting, and partials.
- 0.3 Setting Up SASS: How to install and compile SASS in your development environment.
- 0.4 Basic SASS Features: Exploring mixins, extend, and operators in SASS.
Main Curriculum
Advancing your skills in SASS:
- 1.1 Advanced SASS Features: Delving into more complex features like functions, conditionals, and loops.
- 1.2 SASS and Responsive Design: Using SASS to create responsive design elements.
- 1.3 Modular SASS: Best practices for structuring and organizing SASS in large projects.
- 1.4 SASS and Frameworks: Integrating SASS with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.
- 1.5 SASS Scripting: Understanding the scripting capabilities of SASS for dynamic styles.
- 1.6 Performance Optimization: Techniques for optimizing SASS for faster load times and better performance.
- 1.7 Project: Building a Project with SASS: Applying learned skills to develop a complete project.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Understanding the basics of module bundling and Webpack:
- 0.1 Introduction to Module Bundlers: Exploring the concept of module bundling and its significance in modern web development.
- 0.2 Basics of Webpack: Learning about Webpack, its purpose, and basic configuration.
- 0.3 Setting Up Webpack: How to install and set up Webpack in a project.
- 0.4 Basic Webpack Usage: Exploring entry points, output configurations, and loaders.
Main Curriculum
Delving deeper into Webpack:
- 1.1 Advanced Configuration: Techniques for advanced configuration settings in Webpack.
- 1.2 Loaders and Plugins: Understanding and implementing various loaders and plugins to extend functionality.
- 1.3 Code Splitting: Learning how to split code for better performance and optimization.
- 1.4 Webpack and Preprocessors: Integrating Webpack with CSS preprocessors like SASS.
- 1.5 Optimizing Webpack: Best practices for optimizing Webpack’s output for production.
- 1.6 Webpack Dev Server: Using the Webpack development server for efficient development workflows.
- 1.7 Handling Assets: Managing different types of assets like images, fonts, and media.
- 1.8 Project: Building a Project with Webpack: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive project.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Before diving into Parcel, it’s important to understand the basics:
- 0.1 Introduction to Module Bundlers: Exploring the concept of module bundling in web development.
- 0.2 Basics of Parcel: Learning about Parcel, its zero-configuration approach, and basic functionalities.
- 0.3 Setting Up Parcel: Instructions on how to install and set up Parcel in a project.
- 0.4 Basic Usage of Parcel: Understanding how to use Parcel for bundling various assets.
Main Curriculum
Advancing your skills in Parcel:
- 1.1 Advanced Parcel Features: Exploring more complex functionalities like code splitting and lazy loading.
- 1.2 Custom Configurations with Parcel: Learning how to customize Parcel beyond its default settings.
- 1.3 Parcel and Front-end Frameworks: Integrating Parcel with frameworks like React or Vue.js.
- 1.4 Optimizing with Parcel: Techniques for optimizing the output for better performance and load times.
- 1.5 Asset Management: Managing and bundling different types of assets effectively.
- 1.6 Troubleshooting and Debugging: Strategies for troubleshooting common issues in Parcel.
- 1.7 Project: Building a Complete Project: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive project using Parcel.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
NPM Scripts
Understanding the basics and importance of task runners:
- 0.1 Introduction to Task Runners: Exploring the role of task runners in web development.
- 0.2 Basics of NPM Scripts: Learning about NPM (Node Package Manager) and how to use it for running scripts.
- 0.3 Writing Basic Scripts: Understanding how to write simple automation scripts using NPM.
- 0.4 Integrating NPM Scripts into Development Workflow: Learning how to integrate basic scripts into your development process.
Main Curriculum
Expanding your skills with NPM Scripts:
- 1.1 Advanced Scripting: Delving into more complex scripting for automation and development tasks.
- 1.2 Cross-Platform Scripting: Writing scripts that work across different operating systems.
- 1.3 Combining NPM Scripts with Other Tools: Learning how to integrate NPM Scripts with other development tools and technologies.
- 1.4 Using Pre-Built NPM Scripts: Exploring and utilizing existing scripts for common development tasks.
- 1.5 Debugging Scripts: Techniques for troubleshooting and debugging NPM Scripts.
- 1.6 Optimizing Development Workflow: Best practices for using NPM Scripts to optimize the development workflow.
- 1.7 Project: Implementing NPM Scripts in a Project: Applying learned skills in a practical project.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Before diving into Vitest, it’s important to understand the basics and context:
- 0.1 Introduction to Testing in Development: Understanding the importance of testing in software development.
- 0.2 Basics of Vitest: Learning about Vitest, its purpose in the JavaScript ecosystem, and basic setup.
- 0.3 Writing Simple Tests: Understanding how to write and run simple tests using Vitest.
- 0.4 Testing Concepts: Basic concepts of unit testing, such as assertions and test suites.
Main Curriculum
Expanding your skills in Vitest:
- 1.1 Advanced Testing Techniques: Exploring more complex testing scenarios and techniques.
- 1.2 Mocking and Stubs: Learning how to use mocks and stubs in tests to isolate components.
- 1.3 Asynchronous Testing: Techniques for testing asynchronous code effectively.
- 1.4 Integrating Vitest with CI/CD: Understanding how to integrate testing into continuous integration/continuous deployment pipelines.
- 1.5 Test Coverage: How to measure and improve test coverage in your projects.
- 1.6 Performance Optimization: Best practices for optimizing test performance and speed.
- 1.7 Project: Implementing Vitest in a Project: Applying learned skills in a practical project using Vitest.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Authentication (JWT, OAuth, SSO, and Sessions)
Understanding the basics and importance of authentication in web development:
- 0.1 Introduction to Authentication: Exploring the role of authentication and its significance.
- 0.2 Basic Principles of Security: Learning fundamental security concepts relevant to authentication.
- 0.3 Overview of Authentication Methods: Understanding different methods like JWT, OAuth, SSO, and Sessions.
Main Curriculum
Deepening your knowledge in specific authentication strategies:
- 1.1 JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Learning how JWT works, creating and verifying JWTs, and understanding use cases.
- 1.2 OAuth: Exploring OAuth protocol, its workflow, and implementing OAuth in applications.
- 1.3 Single Sign-On (SSO): Understanding the concept of SSO, its benefits, and how it integrates with other authentication methods.
- 1.4 Session-Based Authentication: Learning about session management, cookies, and implementing session-based authentication.
- 1.5 Security Considerations: Delving into security best practices, common vulnerabilities, and how to mitigate them.
- 1.6 Implementing Authentication: Practical implementation of these authentication strategies in web applications.
- 1.7 Integrating Authentication with Backend Technologies: How to integrate authentication methods with different backend frameworks and languages.
- 1.8 Project: Building an Authenticated Application: Applying learned skills in a project that uses multiple authentication strategies.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
CORS, HTTPS, and Content Security Policy
Understanding the basics of web security:
- 0.1 Introduction to Web Security: Exploring why security is crucial in web development.
- 0.2 Basic Security Concepts: Learning fundamental security principles relevant to web applications.
Main Curriculum
Deepening your understanding of specific security concepts:
- 1.1 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Understanding what CORS is, why it’s important, and how to implement CORS policies.
- 1.2 HTTPS: Learning the importance of HTTPS, how it works, and implementing HTTPS in web applications.
- 1.3 Content Security Policy (CSP): Exploring what CSP is, how it helps prevent attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and how to define CSPs.
- 1.4 Implementing Security Measures: Practical application of these security concepts in real-world scenarios.
- 1.5 Advanced Configurations: Delving into advanced configurations and best practices for CORS, HTTPS, and CSP.
- 1.6 Handling Security Vulnerabilities: Strategies for identifying and mitigating common security vulnerabilities in web applications.
- 1.7 Project: Building a Secure Web Application: Applying learned skills to develop a secure web application incorporating these security measures.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
OWASP Security Risks
Before delving into OWASP Security Risks, it’s important to understand the basics:
- 0.1 Introduction to Web Security: Exploring the fundamentals of web security and its significance.
- 0.2 Overview of OWASP: Understanding what OWASP is and its role in web application security.
- 0.3 Basic Security Concepts: Learning the core concepts related to web security vulnerabilities.
Main Curriculum
Deepening your knowledge in OWASP Security Risks:
- 1.1 Exploring the OWASP Top Ten: A detailed study of the top ten security risks as identified by OWASP.
- 1.2 Mitigation Strategies: Learning strategies to mitigate these security risks in web applications.
- 1.3 Secure Coding Practices: Understanding and implementing secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities.
- 1.4 Advanced Security Protocols: Delving into advanced security measures and protocols to enhance application security.
- 1.5 Implementing Security Measures: Practical application of security measures in real-world web development scenarios.
- 1.6 Hands-on Projects: Developing projects that focus on implementing security measures against OWASP risks.
- 1.7 Staying Updated: Learning how to stay updated with the latest security trends and OWASP updates.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Web Components
Understanding the foundational aspects of Web Components:
- 0.1 Introduction to Web Components: Exploring the concept of Web Components and their role in modern web development.
- 0.2 Basics of HTML Templates: Learning how to create and use HTML templates.
- 0.3 Understanding Custom Elements: Exploring the creation and lifecycle of custom elements.
Main Curriculum
Advancing your skills in Web Components:
- 1.1 Deep Dive into Custom Elements: Advanced techniques for creating and managing custom elements.
- 1.2 Shadow DOM: Understanding the Shadow DOM, its purpose, and how to use it for encapsulation and component styling.
- 1.3 Data Binding and Management: Techniques for managing data and states within Web Components.
- 1.4 Integrating Web Components with Frameworks: Learning how to integrate Web Components with JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular.
- 1.5 Best Practices: Adopting best practices for designing and building reusable Web Components.
- 1.6 Performance Optimization: Optimizing Web Components for performance and efficiency.
- 1.7 Project: Building a Web Application with Web Components: Applying learned skills in a practical project.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Understanding the fundamentals of TypeScript:
- 0.1 Introduction to TypeScript: Exploring what TypeScript is and its advantages over JavaScript.
- 0.2 Setting Up TypeScript: Learning how to set up and configure TypeScript in a development environment.
- 0.3 TypeScript Basics: Understanding TypeScript syntax, types, interfaces, and classes.
Main Curriculum
Deepening your understanding of TypeScript:
- 1.1 Advanced Types: Exploring more complex types in TypeScript, including union, intersection, and utility types.
- 1.2 Generics: Learning about generics and their use in creating flexible and reusable code components.
- 1.3 Decorators: Understanding decorators and their application in TypeScript.
- 1.4 Integrating TypeScript with Frameworks: Learning how to use TypeScript with popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
- 1.5 Advanced Compilation Options: Delving into advanced compiler options for optimizing TypeScript projects.
- 1.6 Type Manipulation and Advanced Concepts: Exploring type manipulation techniques and other advanced concepts in TypeScript.
- 1.7 Project: Building a TypeScript Project: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive TypeScript project.
- 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.
Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
Understanding the foundational aspects of SSR:
- 0.1 Introduction to Server-Side Rendering: Exploring the concept and importance of SSR in web development.
- 0.2 Comparison of SSR and Client-Side Rendering: Understanding the differences and benefits of each approach.
- 0.3 Basics of Web Servers: Learning the fundamentals of how web servers work in the context of SSR.
Main Curriculum
Advancing your skills in SSR:
- 1.1 Implementing SSR: Practical steps for implementing SSR in web applications.
- 1.2 SSR with JavaScript Frameworks: Learning how to use SSR with frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
- 1.3 Optimizing SSR for Performance: Techniques for enhancing the performance of SSR applications.
- 1.4 SEO Considerations: Understanding how SSR impacts SEO and best practices for optimizing SSR applications for search engines.
- 1.5 Handling Data and State: Strategies for managing data and application state with SSR.
- 1.6 Caching Strategies: Exploring caching mechanisms to improve SSR performance.
- 1.7 Security Considerations: Best practices for ensuring security in SSR applications.
- 1.8 Project: Building a SSR Web Application: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive project.
- 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.