Frontend Developer Roadmap

  1. HTML
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  2. CSS
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  3. JavaScript
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  4. Git
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  5. GitHub
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  6. NPM
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  7. Vue.js
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  8. Tailwind
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  9. Bootstrap
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  10. BEM (Block, Element, Modifier)
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  11. SASS
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  12. Webpack
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  13. Parcel
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  14. NPM Scripts
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  15. Vitest
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  16. Authentication (JWT, OAuth, SSO, and Sessions)
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  17. CORS, HTTPS, and Content Security Policy
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  18. OWASP Security Risks
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  19. Web Components
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  20. TypeScript
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum
  21. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
    1. Prerequisite
    2. Main Curriculum

To become an Frontend Developer in 2024, what should you learn?




Before diving into HTML, it’s important to understand the context and basics of web development:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Web Development: Understanding the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in creating websites.
  • 0.2 Basics of Internet and Browsers: How the internet works and the role of web browsers.
  • 0.3 Introduction to Markup Languages: Understanding the concept of markup languages and their purpose.
  • 0.4 Basic Computer Literacy: Familiarity with using a computer and basic software, essential for any web development.

Main Curriculum

Now, we’ll move on to the specific HTML topics:

  • 1.1 HTML Basics: Understanding the structure of an HTML document, tags, elements, and attributes.
  • 1.2 Working with Text: Learning about headings, paragraphs, lists, and formatting text.
  • 1.3 Hyperlinks and Navigation: Creating links to other pages and websites.
  • 1.4 Images and Multimedia: Embedding images, video, and audio in web pages.
  • 1.5 Tables and Forms: Designing and using tables for data presentation; creating and handling forms.
  • 1.6 HTML5 Features: Exploring new elements in HTML5 like section, article, and more.
  • 1.7 Semantic HTML: Understanding the importance of semantic elements for accessibility and SEO.
  • 1.8 Responsive Design Basics: Introduction to making web pages look good on all devices.
  • 1.9 Project: Building a Simple Website: Applying learned skills to create a basic website.
  • 1.10 Review and Assessments: Reviewing the key concepts and practical assessments.



Before diving deep into CSS, it’s crucial to understand its foundational aspects:

  • 0.1 Introduction to CSS: Understanding what CSS is and its role in web development.
  • 0.2 Basics of Styling: Learning about CSS syntax and basic properties like color, font, and background.
  • 0.3 The Box Model: Understanding the box model concept in CSS (content, padding, border, margin).
  • 0.4 Selectors and Specificity: Learning how to select elements to style and understanding specificity rules.

Main Curriculum

  • 1.1 Advanced Styling Techniques: Exploring advanced properties and values in CSS.
  • 1.2 Layout with Flexbox: Learning how to use Flexbox for efficient and flexible layouts.
  • 1.3 Grid Layouts: Understanding and applying CSS Grid for complex web layouts.
  • 1.4 Responsive Design: Techniques for making web pages look good on all devices using media queries.
  • 1.5 CSS Animations and Transitions: Creating dynamic interactions and effects with CSS animations and transitions.
  • 1.6 Preprocessors (like SASS): Introduction to CSS preprocessors and their benefits in larger projects.
  • 1.7 Best Practices: Learning about best practices in CSS for maintainability and performance.
  • 1.8 Project: Designing a Responsive Web Page: Applying learned skills to create a stylish, responsive web page.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing the key concepts and practical assessments.



Understanding the foundations of JavaScript is key:

  • 0.1 Introduction to JavaScript: Basic concepts of JavaScript and its role in web development.
  • 0.2 JavaScript Syntax: Learning about variables, data types, operators, and basic syntax.
  • 0.3 Control Structures: Introduction to if-else statements, loops, and switch cases.
  • 0.4 Functions: Understanding function declaration, expressions, and scope.
  • 0.5 Basic DOM Manipulation: Learning to interact with HTML elements using JavaScript.

Main Curriculum

Delving deeper into JavaScript:

  • 1.1 Advanced DOM Manipulation: More complex interactions with the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • 1.2 Asynchronous JavaScript: Understanding callbacks, promises, and async/await.
  • 1.3 Modern JavaScript (ES6+): Exploring new features like arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and more.
  • 1.4 JavaScript Frameworks: Introduction to popular frameworks like React or Vue.js.
  • 1.5 Event Handling: Deep dive into handling user interactions through events.
  • 1.6 Working with APIs: Fetching data from APIs and handling JSON.
  • 1.7 Error Handling and Debugging: Techniques to identify and fix errors in JavaScript code.
  • 1.8 Project: Building an Interactive Web Application: Applying learned skills to create a functional web app.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Consolidating knowledge with practical exercises and assessments.



Before diving into Git, it’s important to understand the basics and the need for version control:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Version Control: Understanding the concept of version control and its importance.
  • 0.2 Basics of Git: Learning about Git, its purpose, and basic commands like git init, git clone, git add, and git commit.
  • 0.3 Setting Up Git: How to install and configure Git on your machine.
  • 0.4 Git Repositories: Understanding local and remote repositories (like GitHub).

Main Curriculum

Delving deeper into the world of Git:

  • 1.1 Branching and Merging: Learning how to create branches, switch between them, and merge changes.
  • 1.2 Collaborating with Git: Best practices for collaborating on projects using Git.
  • 1.3 Advanced Git Commands: Exploring more complex commands like git rebase, git stash, and git cherry-pick.
  • 1.4 Resolving Merge Conflicts: Techniques for resolving conflicts that occur during merging.
  • 1.5 Git Workflow Strategies: Understanding different workflow strategies like Gitflow and feature branching.
  • 1.6 Integrating Git with IDEs: How to use Git within integrated development environments.
  • 1.7 Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and Git: Introduction to using Git with CI/CD pipelines.
  • 1.8 Project Management with Git: Using Git for effective project management and tracking.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts and practical assessments to solidify understanding.



To get started with GitHub, it’s essential to understand its basics:

  • 0.1 Introduction to GitHub: Understanding what GitHub is and its role in development.
  • 0.2 GitHub Repositories: Learning how to create and manage repositories.
  • 0.3 Basic Git Integration: Understanding how to use Git with GitHub for version control.
  • 0.4 Issue Tracking and Collaboration: Introduction to using issues and pull requests for collaboration.

Main Curriculum

Expanding your knowledge of GitHub:

  • 1.1 Advanced Repository Management: Exploring advanced features of GitHub repositories.
  • 1.2 Branching and Merging with GitHub: Understanding how to manage branches and merge requests on GitHub.
  • 1.3 GitHub Actions and CI/CD: Learning about GitHub Actions for automation and continuous integration/continuous deployment.
  • 1.4 Project Management Tools: Using GitHub’s project management features like Projects and Kanban boards.
  • 1.5 GitHub Pages: Introduction to hosting websites directly from GitHub repositories.
  • 1.6 Collaborative Development: Best practices for collaborating with others on GitHub.
  • 1.7 Open Source Contribution: How to contribute to open-source projects on GitHub.
  • 1.8 Security and Permissions: Understanding repository security and access permissions.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises.



Understanding the basics of package management and NPM:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Package Managers: Understanding the role and importance of package managers in development.
  • 0.2 Basics of NPM: Learning about NPM, its purpose, and basic commands.
  • 0.3 Setting Up NPM: How to install NPM and configure it on your machine.
  • 0.4 Understanding package.json: Learning about the package.json file and its significance.

Main Curriculum

Expanding your knowledge of NPM:

  • 1.1 Managing Packages: Advanced techniques for managing packages, including updating, removing, and handling version conflicts.
  • 1.2 Semantic Versioning: Understanding semantic versioning and its importance in package management.
  • 1.3 Creating and Publishing Packages: Learning how to create your own NPM packages and publish them.
  • 1.4 Managing Dependencies: Best practices for managing project dependencies.
  • 1.5 NPM Scripts: Utilizing NPM scripts to automate tasks.
  • 1.6 Security in NPM: Understanding security aspects, including managing vulnerabilities in packages.
  • 1.7 NPM and Build Tools: Integrating NPM with build tools like Webpack or Gulp.
  • 1.8 Collaborative Development with NPM: Using NPM in team environments and collaborative projects.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.



Before diving into Vue.js, understanding its context and basics is crucial:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Vue.js: Understanding what Vue.js is and its place in web development.
  • 0.2 Setting Up Vue.js: Learning how to set up a Vue.js development environment.
  • 0.3 Basic Vue.js Concepts: Understanding the Vue instance, data binding, and directives.
  • 0.4 Components in Vue.js: Introduction to components and their usage.

Main Curriculum

Expanding your skills in Vue.js:

  • 1.1 Deep Dive into Components: Exploring more advanced component features like props, events, and slots.
  • 1.2 State Management with Vuex: Learning about state management and how Vuex helps in large applications.
  • 1.3 Vue Router: Understanding how to handle routing in single-page applications (SPAs) using Vue Router.
  • 1.4 Building Large-Scale Applications: Best practices and patterns for building larger Vue.js applications.
  • 1.5 Vue CLI and Tooling: Utilizing the Vue CLI for project scaffolding and development.
  • 1.6 Reactive Data and Computed Properties: Advanced handling of reactive data and computed properties.
  • 1.7 Integrating with Backend Services: How to integrate Vue.js applications with backend APIs.
  • 1.8 Advanced Features and Plugins: Exploring advanced Vue.js features and the use of plugins.
  • 1.9 Project: Building a Complete Vue.js Application: Applying learned skills to create a comprehensive project.
  • 1.10 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts and practical assessments to solidify understanding.



Before jumping into Tailwind CSS, understanding its context and basics is important:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Tailwind CSS: Understanding what Tailwind is and its utility-first approach.
  • 0.2 Setting Up Tailwind: Learning how to install and integrate Tailwind into your web projects.
  • 0.3 Basic Utilities in Tailwind: Exploring the basic utility classes for layout, typography, and colors.
  • 0.4 Responsive Design with Tailwind: Understanding how to use Tailwind for responsive design.

Main Curriculum

Expanding your skills in Tailwind CSS:

  • 1.1 Advanced Layout Techniques: Exploring complex layouts with Flexbox and Grid utilities.
  • 1.2 Customizing Tailwind: Learning how to customize Tailwind using configuration files and custom utilities.
  • 1.3 State Variants and Pseudo-Classes: Using state variants like hover, focus, and more.
  • 1.4 Tailwind Plugins: Introduction to plugins and how to extend Tailwind’s functionality.
  • 1.5 Building Components: Techniques for building reusable components with Tailwind.
  • 1.6 Performance Optimization: Best practices for optimizing Tailwind CSS for production.
  • 1.7 Combining Tailwind with CSS Frameworks: Understanding how to use Tailwind alongside other CSS frameworks or preprocessors.
  • 1.8 Project: Building a Tailwind-Powered Website: Applying learned skills to create a comprehensive web project.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Consolidating knowledge with practical exercises and assessments.



Understanding the foundational aspects of Bootstrap:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Bootstrap: Learning what Bootstrap is and its role in web design.
  • 0.2 Installing and Setting Up Bootstrap: How to incorporate Bootstrap into your projects.
  • 0.3 Bootstrap Grid System: Understanding the grid system for responsive layouts.
  • 0.4 Basic Components: Exploring Bootstrap’s basic components like buttons, forms, and navigation bars.

Main Curriculum

Advancing your skills in Bootstrap:

  • 1.1 Advanced Components: Deep dive into more complex components like modals, carousels, and accordions.
  • 1.2 Customizing Bootstrap: Learning how to customize Bootstrap’s default themes and styles.
  • 1.3 Bootstrap and JavaScript: Understanding how to use Bootstrap’s JavaScript plugins.
  • 1.4 Responsive Design Techniques: Advanced techniques for creating responsive designs with Bootstrap.
  • 1.5 Bootstrap Utilities: Utilizing Bootstrap’s utility classes for spacing, sizing, and alignment.
  • 1.6 Integrating Bootstrap with Front-End Frameworks: How to use Bootstrap in conjunction with frameworks like Vue.js or React.
  • 1.7 Project: Building a Bootstrap-Based Website: Applying learned skills to create a complete web project.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

BEM (Block, Element, Modifier)


Understanding the foundational aspects of BEM in CSS:

  • 0.1 Introduction to CSS Architecture: Grasping the importance of organized and scalable CSS.
  • 0.2 Basics of BEM: Learning the BEM methodology and its naming conventions.
  • 0.3 Implementing BEM: Practicing the application of BEM in small projects.
  • 0.4 The Benefits of BEM: Understanding how BEM aids in maintaining large-scale CSS codebases.

Main Curriculum

Advancing your skills in CSS Architecture with BEM:

  • 1.1 Advanced BEM Techniques: Exploring more complex BEM scenarios and solutions.
  • 1.2 BEM and Preprocessors: Integrating BEM with CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS.
  • 1.3 BEM in Responsive Design: Applying BEM principles in responsive web design.
  • 1.4 Organizing CSS with BEM: Strategies for organizing and structuring CSS files using BEM.
  • 1.5 Combining BEM with Other Methodologies: Learning how to use BEM in combination with other CSS methodologies like OOCSS and SMACSS.
  • 1.6 Project: Building a Scalable CSS Architecture: Creating a project that employs BEM methodology effectively.
  • 1.7 Best Practices and Common Pitfalls: Understanding best practices in BEM and common mistakes to avoid.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.



Before diving into SASS, understanding its basics and context is important:

  • 0.1 Introduction to CSS Preprocessors: Understanding the role and benefits of preprocessors in CSS development.
  • 0.2 Basics of SASS: Learning SASS syntax, including variables, nesting, and partials.
  • 0.3 Setting Up SASS: How to install and compile SASS in your development environment.
  • 0.4 Basic SASS Features: Exploring mixins, extend, and operators in SASS.

Main Curriculum

Advancing your skills in SASS:

  • 1.1 Advanced SASS Features: Delving into more complex features like functions, conditionals, and loops.
  • 1.2 SASS and Responsive Design: Using SASS to create responsive design elements.
  • 1.3 Modular SASS: Best practices for structuring and organizing SASS in large projects.
  • 1.4 SASS and Frameworks: Integrating SASS with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.
  • 1.5 SASS Scripting: Understanding the scripting capabilities of SASS for dynamic styles.
  • 1.6 Performance Optimization: Techniques for optimizing SASS for faster load times and better performance.
  • 1.7 Project: Building a Project with SASS: Applying learned skills to develop a complete project.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.



Understanding the basics of module bundling and Webpack:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Module Bundlers: Exploring the concept of module bundling and its significance in modern web development.
  • 0.2 Basics of Webpack: Learning about Webpack, its purpose, and basic configuration.
  • 0.3 Setting Up Webpack: How to install and set up Webpack in a project.
  • 0.4 Basic Webpack Usage: Exploring entry points, output configurations, and loaders.

Main Curriculum

Delving deeper into Webpack:

  • 1.1 Advanced Configuration: Techniques for advanced configuration settings in Webpack.
  • 1.2 Loaders and Plugins: Understanding and implementing various loaders and plugins to extend functionality.
  • 1.3 Code Splitting: Learning how to split code for better performance and optimization.
  • 1.4 Webpack and Preprocessors: Integrating Webpack with CSS preprocessors like SASS.
  • 1.5 Optimizing Webpack: Best practices for optimizing Webpack’s output for production.
  • 1.6 Webpack Dev Server: Using the Webpack development server for efficient development workflows.
  • 1.7 Handling Assets: Managing different types of assets like images, fonts, and media.
  • 1.8 Project: Building a Project with Webpack: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive project.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.



Before diving into Parcel, it’s important to understand the basics:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Module Bundlers: Exploring the concept of module bundling in web development.
  • 0.2 Basics of Parcel: Learning about Parcel, its zero-configuration approach, and basic functionalities.
  • 0.3 Setting Up Parcel: Instructions on how to install and set up Parcel in a project.
  • 0.4 Basic Usage of Parcel: Understanding how to use Parcel for bundling various assets.

Main Curriculum

Advancing your skills in Parcel:

  • 1.1 Advanced Parcel Features: Exploring more complex functionalities like code splitting and lazy loading.
  • 1.2 Custom Configurations with Parcel: Learning how to customize Parcel beyond its default settings.
  • 1.3 Parcel and Front-end Frameworks: Integrating Parcel with frameworks like React or Vue.js.
  • 1.4 Optimizing with Parcel: Techniques for optimizing the output for better performance and load times.
  • 1.5 Asset Management: Managing and bundling different types of assets effectively.
  • 1.6 Troubleshooting and Debugging: Strategies for troubleshooting common issues in Parcel.
  • 1.7 Project: Building a Complete Project: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive project using Parcel.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

NPM Scripts


Understanding the basics and importance of task runners:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Task Runners: Exploring the role of task runners in web development.
  • 0.2 Basics of NPM Scripts: Learning about NPM (Node Package Manager) and how to use it for running scripts.
  • 0.3 Writing Basic Scripts: Understanding how to write simple automation scripts using NPM.
  • 0.4 Integrating NPM Scripts into Development Workflow: Learning how to integrate basic scripts into your development process.

Main Curriculum

Expanding your skills with NPM Scripts:

  • 1.1 Advanced Scripting: Delving into more complex scripting for automation and development tasks.
  • 1.2 Cross-Platform Scripting: Writing scripts that work across different operating systems.
  • 1.3 Combining NPM Scripts with Other Tools: Learning how to integrate NPM Scripts with other development tools and technologies.
  • 1.4 Using Pre-Built NPM Scripts: Exploring and utilizing existing scripts for common development tasks.
  • 1.5 Debugging Scripts: Techniques for troubleshooting and debugging NPM Scripts.
  • 1.6 Optimizing Development Workflow: Best practices for using NPM Scripts to optimize the development workflow.
  • 1.7 Project: Implementing NPM Scripts in a Project: Applying learned skills in a practical project.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.



Before diving into Vitest, it’s important to understand the basics and context:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Testing in Development: Understanding the importance of testing in software development.
  • 0.2 Basics of Vitest: Learning about Vitest, its purpose in the JavaScript ecosystem, and basic setup.
  • 0.3 Writing Simple Tests: Understanding how to write and run simple tests using Vitest.
  • 0.4 Testing Concepts: Basic concepts of unit testing, such as assertions and test suites.

Main Curriculum

Expanding your skills in Vitest:

  • 1.1 Advanced Testing Techniques: Exploring more complex testing scenarios and techniques.
  • 1.2 Mocking and Stubs: Learning how to use mocks and stubs in tests to isolate components.
  • 1.3 Asynchronous Testing: Techniques for testing asynchronous code effectively.
  • 1.4 Integrating Vitest with CI/CD: Understanding how to integrate testing into continuous integration/continuous deployment pipelines.
  • 1.5 Test Coverage: How to measure and improve test coverage in your projects.
  • 1.6 Performance Optimization: Best practices for optimizing test performance and speed.
  • 1.7 Project: Implementing Vitest in a Project: Applying learned skills in a practical project using Vitest.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

Authentication (JWT, OAuth, SSO, and Sessions)


Understanding the basics and importance of authentication in web development:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Authentication: Exploring the role of authentication and its significance.
  • 0.2 Basic Principles of Security: Learning fundamental security concepts relevant to authentication.
  • 0.3 Overview of Authentication Methods: Understanding different methods like JWT, OAuth, SSO, and Sessions.

Main Curriculum

Deepening your knowledge in specific authentication strategies:

  • 1.1 JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Learning how JWT works, creating and verifying JWTs, and understanding use cases.
  • 1.2 OAuth: Exploring OAuth protocol, its workflow, and implementing OAuth in applications.
  • 1.3 Single Sign-On (SSO): Understanding the concept of SSO, its benefits, and how it integrates with other authentication methods.
  • 1.4 Session-Based Authentication: Learning about session management, cookies, and implementing session-based authentication.
  • 1.5 Security Considerations: Delving into security best practices, common vulnerabilities, and how to mitigate them.
  • 1.6 Implementing Authentication: Practical implementation of these authentication strategies in web applications.
  • 1.7 Integrating Authentication with Backend Technologies: How to integrate authentication methods with different backend frameworks and languages.
  • 1.8 Project: Building an Authenticated Application: Applying learned skills in a project that uses multiple authentication strategies.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

CORS, HTTPS, and Content Security Policy


Understanding the basics of web security:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Web Security: Exploring why security is crucial in web development.
  • 0.2 Basic Security Concepts: Learning fundamental security principles relevant to web applications.

Main Curriculum

Deepening your understanding of specific security concepts:

  • 1.1 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Understanding what CORS is, why it’s important, and how to implement CORS policies.
  • 1.2 HTTPS: Learning the importance of HTTPS, how it works, and implementing HTTPS in web applications.
  • 1.3 Content Security Policy (CSP): Exploring what CSP is, how it helps prevent attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and how to define CSPs.
  • 1.4 Implementing Security Measures: Practical application of these security concepts in real-world scenarios.
  • 1.5 Advanced Configurations: Delving into advanced configurations and best practices for CORS, HTTPS, and CSP.
  • 1.6 Handling Security Vulnerabilities: Strategies for identifying and mitigating common security vulnerabilities in web applications.
  • 1.7 Project: Building a Secure Web Application: Applying learned skills to develop a secure web application incorporating these security measures.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

OWASP Security Risks


Before delving into OWASP Security Risks, it’s important to understand the basics:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Web Security: Exploring the fundamentals of web security and its significance.
  • 0.2 Overview of OWASP: Understanding what OWASP is and its role in web application security.
  • 0.3 Basic Security Concepts: Learning the core concepts related to web security vulnerabilities.

Main Curriculum

Deepening your knowledge in OWASP Security Risks:

  • 1.1 Exploring the OWASP Top Ten: A detailed study of the top ten security risks as identified by OWASP.
  • 1.2 Mitigation Strategies: Learning strategies to mitigate these security risks in web applications.
  • 1.3 Secure Coding Practices: Understanding and implementing secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities.
  • 1.4 Advanced Security Protocols: Delving into advanced security measures and protocols to enhance application security.
  • 1.5 Implementing Security Measures: Practical application of security measures in real-world web development scenarios.
  • 1.6 Hands-on Projects: Developing projects that focus on implementing security measures against OWASP risks.
  • 1.7 Staying Updated: Learning how to stay updated with the latest security trends and OWASP updates.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

Web Components


Understanding the foundational aspects of Web Components:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Web Components: Exploring the concept of Web Components and their role in modern web development.
  • 0.2 Basics of HTML Templates: Learning how to create and use HTML templates.
  • 0.3 Understanding Custom Elements: Exploring the creation and lifecycle of custom elements.

Main Curriculum

Advancing your skills in Web Components:

  • 1.1 Deep Dive into Custom Elements: Advanced techniques for creating and managing custom elements.
  • 1.2 Shadow DOM: Understanding the Shadow DOM, its purpose, and how to use it for encapsulation and component styling.
  • 1.3 Data Binding and Management: Techniques for managing data and states within Web Components.
  • 1.4 Integrating Web Components with Frameworks: Learning how to integrate Web Components with JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular.
  • 1.5 Best Practices: Adopting best practices for designing and building reusable Web Components.
  • 1.6 Performance Optimization: Optimizing Web Components for performance and efficiency.
  • 1.7 Project: Building a Web Application with Web Components: Applying learned skills in a practical project.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.



Understanding the fundamentals of TypeScript:

  • 0.1 Introduction to TypeScript: Exploring what TypeScript is and its advantages over JavaScript.
  • 0.2 Setting Up TypeScript: Learning how to set up and configure TypeScript in a development environment.
  • 0.3 TypeScript Basics: Understanding TypeScript syntax, types, interfaces, and classes.

Main Curriculum

Deepening your understanding of TypeScript:

  • 1.1 Advanced Types: Exploring more complex types in TypeScript, including union, intersection, and utility types.
  • 1.2 Generics: Learning about generics and their use in creating flexible and reusable code components.
  • 1.3 Decorators: Understanding decorators and their application in TypeScript.
  • 1.4 Integrating TypeScript with Frameworks: Learning how to use TypeScript with popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • 1.5 Advanced Compilation Options: Delving into advanced compiler options for optimizing TypeScript projects.
  • 1.6 Type Manipulation and Advanced Concepts: Exploring type manipulation techniques and other advanced concepts in TypeScript.
  • 1.7 Project: Building a TypeScript Project: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive TypeScript project.
  • 1.8 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)


Understanding the foundational aspects of SSR:

  • 0.1 Introduction to Server-Side Rendering: Exploring the concept and importance of SSR in web development.
  • 0.2 Comparison of SSR and Client-Side Rendering: Understanding the differences and benefits of each approach.
  • 0.3 Basics of Web Servers: Learning the fundamentals of how web servers work in the context of SSR.

Main Curriculum

Advancing your skills in SSR:

  • 1.1 Implementing SSR: Practical steps for implementing SSR in web applications.
  • 1.2 SSR with JavaScript Frameworks: Learning how to use SSR with frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • 1.3 Optimizing SSR for Performance: Techniques for enhancing the performance of SSR applications.
  • 1.4 SEO Considerations: Understanding how SSR impacts SEO and best practices for optimizing SSR applications for search engines.
  • 1.5 Handling Data and State: Strategies for managing data and application state with SSR.
  • 1.6 Caching Strategies: Exploring caching mechanisms to improve SSR performance.
  • 1.7 Security Considerations: Best practices for ensuring security in SSR applications.
  • 1.8 Project: Building a SSR Web Application: Applying learned skills in a comprehensive project.
  • 1.9 Review and Assessments: Reviewing key concepts with practical exercises and assessments.