C# Delegate, Func, Action & Lambda

  1. 說明
    1. Delegate
    2. Generic Delegate
    3. Events
  2. 原始筆記內容
  3. .NET BCL Series | Delegate, Events & Lambda
    1. Multicatst

筆記 C# 從 Delegate 到 Func & Action 的出現,到最後的 Lambda 對於語法使用上帶來什麼樣的差異。



C# 1.0 就存在的元老,將方法作為參數傳遞的型別,定義方法的簽名和回傳值型別,可以用來實現事件處理機制。
C# 3.0 出現,泛型 Delegate,可以表示具有一個或多個輸入參數和回傳值的方法
C# 3.0 出現,泛型 Delegate,與 Func 的差別在於無回傳值。
Lambda Expression
C# 3.0 出現,簡潔的方法定義方式,可以用於創造匿名方法,並且搭配 Linq 查詢使用。


Why using Delegate?

Delegates essentially act as type-safe function pointers, Allow you to treat methods as objects, it is useful for event handling and asynchronous programming, and it provide compile-time type checking for method signatures.

MathOperation compute1 = new MathOperation(Add);

compute1.Invoke(10, 5);

MathOperation compute2 = Add;
compute2(10, 5);

void Add(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i + j);
void Subtract(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i - j);
void Multiply(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i * j);
void Divide(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i / j);

// Must be declared outside of the method
delegate void MathOperation(int i, int j);

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Generic Delegate

  • Action: void without return value
  • Func: with return value
  • Predicate: with boolean return type
Action<int, int>? compute1 = new Action<int, int>(Add);

compute1 += Subtract;
compute1 += Multiply;
compute1 += Divide;

compute1(10, 5);

compute1 -= Subtract;
compute1 -= Multiply;
compute1 -= Divide;
compute1 -= Add;

// Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
// compute1.Invoke(10, 5);

compute1?.Invoke(10, 5);

void Add(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i + j);
void Subtract(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i - j);
void Multiply(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i * j);
void Divide(int i, int j) => Console.WriteLine(i / j);

What is += and -= Operator

In C#, the += and -= operators are used with delegates to add or remove methods from the invocation list of a delegate instance, respectively.

What is ?. Operator

The ?. operator in C# is known as the null-conditional operator. It allows you to access members (methods, properties, and indexers) of an object only when that object is not null, preventing a NullReferenceException. If the object is null, the expression evaluates to null instead of throwing an exception.

if(compute1 != null)
    compute1(10, 5);

// ✨ equivalent to
compute1?.Invoke(10, 5);

How to using Func Delegate, the difference between Func and Action is that Func returns a value.

Func<DateTime> func = GetDateTime;
Func<string, string> func2 = Greeting;


DateTime GetDateTime() => DateTime.Now;
string Greeting(string name) => $"Hello, {name}!";

How to using Predicate Delegate, We can use Func Delegate instead of Predicate Delegate 😊

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Predicate<string> IsFourDigit = Check;

Func<string, bool> IsFourDigitFuncVersion = Check;

bool Check(string input) => new Regex(@"^\d{4}$").IsMatch(input);

Example Code about Func<int, bool> in Linq:

int[] numbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ];

var result = numbers.Where(Check);

foreach (var item in result)
    Console.Write($"{item} ");

bool Check(int i) => i % 2 == 0;

By the way, We using Collection Expression in example code.

int[] numbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ];

// instead of 
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };


using System.ComponentModel;

Account account = new();

// 3. Subscribe Event
account.ProgressChanged += Account_ProgressChanged;

// 4. Implement Event Handler
void Account_ProgressChanged(object? sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)

Console.WriteLine("Transaction Printing Started");

class Account
    // 1. Declare a event
    public event EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs>? ProgressChanged;

    public void PrintTransactions()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)

            // 2. Invoke Event
            ProgressChanged?.Invoke(this, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(i * 10, null));
        Console.WriteLine("Transaction Printing Completed!");

This code demonstrates how to use events in C# to monitor progress while printing transactions in an Account class. Let’s break down the code step by step:

  1. Event Declaration (Account class):
public event EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs>? ProgressChanged;

Here, ProgressChanged is an event declared in the Account class. It is of type EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs>, which means it can be subscribed to by methods that match the signature of EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs>.

  1. Invoking the Event (PrintTransactions method):
ProgressChanged?.Invoke(this, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(i * 10, null));

Inside the PrintTransactions method, the ProgressChanged event is invoked. This line triggers the event, notifying any subscribers (like the Account_ProgressChanged method) about the progress of the transaction printing. It passes this as the sender and creates a new ProgressChangedEventArgs object containing information about the progress (in this case, i * 10 represents the percentage progress).

  1. Subscribing to the Event (Main method):
account.ProgressChanged += Account_ProgressChanged;

In the Main method or wherever account is used, the Account_ProgressChanged method is subscribed to the ProgressChanged event of the account object. This means whenever ProgressChanged is invoked within the Account class, Account_ProgressChanged will be called.

  1. Event Handler Implementation (Account_ProgressChanged method):
void Account_ProgressChanged(object? sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)

This method handles the ProgressChanged event. It simply prints out the progress percentage (e.ProgressPercentage) to the console whenever the event is fired.

  1. Executing the Transaction Printing (Main method):

Finally, in the Main method, after subscribing to the event and defining the event handler, the program starts printing transaction details by calling PrintTransactions on the account object. This method iterates through a loop (simulating the printing of 10 transactions), invoking the ProgressChanged event each time to report progress.

  1. Output:

As a result, when you run this code, it will print the progress of the transaction printing process to the console, using the Account_ProgressChanged method as the event handler.

In summary, this code demonstrates how events and event handlers work together in C#. The Account class uses an event to notify subscribers about the progress of a task (PrintTransactions), and the Main method subscribes to this event to monitor and react to progress updates.

Using Annoymous Methods instead of Implement new Event Handler

🐢 Before

3. Subscribe Event
account.ProgressChanged += Account_ProgressChanged;

// 4. Implement Event Handler
void Account_ProgressChanged(object? sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)

✨ After

account.ProgressChanged += delegate (object? sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)

Using Lambda Expression instead of Annoymous Methods

🐢 Before

account.ProgressChanged += delegate (object? sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)

✨ After

account.ProgressChanged += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"{e.ProgressPercentage}%");


// 定義 Delegate Type
delegate int CalcDelegate(int a, int b);

// 實作 Add 方法的邏輯
static int Add(int a, int b)
	return a + b;

void Main()
	int result;

	// 使用 Delegate 搭配 Add 方法進行運算
	CalcDelegate calc = Add;
	result = calc(10, 5);

	// 使用 Func 搭配 Add 方法進行運算
	Func<int, int, int> calcFunc = Add;
	result = calc(10, 5);

	// 使用 Lambda Expression 定義 Add 方法
	Func<int, int, int> add = (a, b) => a + b;
	result = add(10, 5);

.NET BCL Series | Delegate, Events & Lambda

delegate int Delegator (int x);

static void Main()
	Delegator d = Square;
	int result = d(3); // 9

static int Square (int x) => x * x;

也可以使用 Invoke 的方式使用 Delegate:

Delegator d = new Delegator(Square);

Delegate 可以在 Runtime 重新指向符合 Signature (Return & Parameters Type) 的方法:

d = Cube;
int reulst d(3); // 27

static int Cube(int x) => x * x * x;


翻譯是多播,使用上可以在 Delegate 變數註冊多個方法,Delegate 會依序執行被註冊的方法。

delegate void Delegator();

static void Main()
  Delegator d = null;
  d += SayHi();
  d += SayBye();

static void SayHi() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World."); }
static void SayBye() { Console.WriteLine("Bye Bye."); }

Delegate 經常與 Interface 的 Polymorphism 進行比較,而多播的特性以及