EngDiary 0039 - Departments and College

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    1. 文學院, College of Liberal Arts
    2. 社會科學院, College of Social Sciences
    3. 工學院, College of Engineering
    4. 管理學院, College of Management
    5. 電機資訊學院, College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
    6. 生命科學院, College of Life Science
    7. 創新設計學院, College of Design and Innovation(D-School)
    8. 理學院, College of Science
    9. 醫學院, College of Medicine
    10. 生物資源暨農學院, College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture
    11. 公共衛生學院, College of Public Health
    12. 法律學院, College of Law
    13. 國際學院, International College


A watercolor painting of a grand university building with a classical architectural style. The building has large arched windows, a central tower, and a combination of red brick and white stone. The scene is set on a sunny day with a bright blue sky and a few fluffy clouds. In front of the building, there are a few people walking on the steps and a well-maintained garden with trees and shrubs.


Webber: Hi Alice, I’m really struggling with choosing my major for university. There are so many options, and I don’t know which one is right for me. Can you help?

Alice: Of course, Webber. It’s a big decision, so it’s good to consider various factors like career prospects, trends, and future opportunities. Have you thought about the College of Liberal Arts?

Webber: I have, but I’m not sure about the job opportunities. What do you think?

Alice: The College of Liberal Arts can be a great choice if you’re interested in subjects like history, literature, or sociology. While it might not lead to a specific job right away, it can develop critical thinking and communication skills that are valuable in many fields. Plus, there’s always a demand for educators, writers, and analysts.

Webber: That makes sense. What about the College of Engineering?

Alice: Engineering is a solid choice if you enjoy problem-solving and working with technology. It’s one of the most in-demand fields, with excellent job prospects and high salaries. Plus, there are many specializations within engineering, such as civil, mechanical, and chemical engineering.

Webber: I do like technology. Speaking of which, what about the College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science?

Alice: This college is perfect if you’re interested in computers, software development, or electronics. The tech industry is booming, and there’s a huge demand for skilled professionals in areas like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data science. It’s a field with great growth potential.

Webber: That sounds exciting. How about the College of Medicine?

Alice: Medicine is a noble and challenging field. It requires a lot of dedication and years of study, but the rewards are substantial. Healthcare professionals, including doctors, are always needed, and the field offers job security and the chance to make a significant impact on people’s lives.

Webber: These all sound like great options. How do I decide?

Alice: Think about what interests you the most and where your strengths lie. Also, consider what kind of work environment you’d enjoy and the type of impact you want to make. It might help to talk to professionals in each field or seek internships to get a better sense of what each career entails.

Webber: Thanks, Alice. You’ve given me a lot to think about. I’ll take some time to explore these options more deeply.

Alice: You’re welcome, Webber. Take your time with your decision, and choose the path that feels right for you. Good luck!

Webber: Alice, do you think the choice of major varies depending on the region or country? If so, why?

Alice: Yes, Webber, the choice of major can definitely vary depending on the region or country. Several factors contribute to this variation.

Webber: What kind of factors?

Alice: For one, the job market in different regions influences major choices. For example, in countries with a strong tech industry like the United States or India, majors in Computer Science and Engineering are very popular. Meanwhile, in countries with a strong healthcare system like the UK or Canada, majors in Medicine or Nursing are in high demand.

Webber: That makes sense. What about cultural factors?

Alice: Cultural factors also play a significant role. In some cultures, certain professions are more respected or desirable. For instance, in many Asian countries, there’s a high value placed on careers in Medicine, Law, and Engineering. This cultural emphasis can steer students towards these majors.

Webber: Interesting. Are there any other factors?

Alice: Yes, government policies and educational systems can also influence major choices. For example, some countries offer scholarships or financial incentives for students pursuing degrees in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields. Additionally, the availability of quality programs and resources in certain fields at local universities can sway students’ decisions.

Webber: How about the impact of global trends?

Alice: Global trends certainly have an impact as well. With the rise of digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution, there’s a growing global demand for skills in artificial intelligence, data science, and cybersecurity. This has led to an increase in students worldwide choosing majors in these areas, regardless of their region.

Webber: It sounds like a lot of factors come into play.

Alice: Absolutely. It’s important to consider not just personal interests and strengths but also these external factors when choosing a major. Understanding the broader context can help make a more informed decision.

Webber: Thanks again, Alice. I feel much more informed about what to consider now.

Alice: You’re welcome, Webber. It’s a big decision, but taking the time to understand all these aspects will definitely help you make the right choice. Good luck!

Webber: Alice, what do you think would happen if most students in a country chose to major in Engineering or Electrical Engineering and Computer Science? What would be the benefits and drawbacks?

Alice: That’s an interesting question, Webber. There are definitely both benefits and drawbacks to such a trend.

Webber: Let’s start with the benefits. What are they?

Alice: One major benefit is economic growth. A country with a large number of engineers and tech professionals can drive innovation and development. This can lead to advancements in infrastructure, technology, and industry, making the country more competitive on a global scale.

Webber: That sounds very positive. What else?

Alice: There’s also the benefit of job creation. As these fields expand, they create numerous job opportunities, not just for engineers and tech professionals, but also in related sectors like manufacturing, services, and education. This can reduce unemployment rates and increase the overall standard of living.

Webber: Those are strong advantages. What about the drawbacks?

Alice: One significant drawback is the potential imbalance in the workforce. If too many students choose these majors, other important fields like healthcare, education, and the arts might suffer from a shortage of skilled professionals. This could lead to problems in those sectors.

Webber: That makes sense. Are there any other negative effects?

Alice: Yes, there could also be increased competition for jobs within the engineering and tech fields. If too many graduates enter the job market at the same time, it could lead to oversaturation, making it harder for individuals to find employment in their field or leading to lower wages due to the high supply of workers.

Webber: I hadn’t thought about that. Anything else?

Alice: Another potential issue is the neglect of soft skills and holistic education. Engineering and tech fields often emphasize technical skills, but fields like liberal arts and social sciences help develop critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. An overemphasis on technical majors might result in a workforce that lacks these important skills.

Webber: It sounds like a delicate balance is needed.

Alice: Absolutely. While having a strong base of engineers and tech professionals is important, it’s also crucial to maintain diversity in education and the workforce to ensure all sectors can thrive and contribute to a well-rounded society.

Webber: Thanks for the insight, Alice. It’s really helpful to understand the bigger picture.

Alice: You’re welcome, Webber. It’s always good to look at all sides of an issue, especially when it comes to such important decisions.

Webber: Alice, how do you think we can balance future career prospects and income with choosing a major we’re passionate about? For example, choosing between the Department of History and a Program in Semiconductors.

Alice: That’s a great question, Webber. Balancing passion with practicality can be challenging, but it’s definitely possible. Here are a few strategies to consider.

Webber: What are some of those strategies?

Alice: First, you can look into combining your interests. For instance, you could major in a field you’re passionate about, like History, and minor in a more practical field like Semiconductors or vice versa. This way, you can develop a strong foundation in both areas.

Webber: That sounds like a good idea. What else?

Alice: Another approach is to consider how your passion can be applied in a practical way. For example, if you’re passionate about History, you could look into careers in museum curation, historical preservation, or even historical consulting for media and technology companies. There are often more career paths available than we initially realize.

Webber: That’s true. Are there any other tips?

Alice: Yes, you can also consider the long-term prospects of your chosen field. Some fields may have lower entry-level salaries but offer significant growth opportunities over time. Researching the career trajectories and potential for advancement in your field of interest can provide a clearer picture.

Webber: That makes sense. How do we address concerns about income?

Alice: It’s important to be realistic about income expectations but also to recognize that job satisfaction can greatly impact your overall happiness. Sometimes, a slightly lower salary in a field you love can lead to a more fulfilling career. Additionally, you can supplement your income with side projects or freelance work in areas related to your passion.

Webber: I hadn’t thought about that. How can we prepare for potential income fluctuations?

Alice: Financial planning is key. Start by creating a budget and saving early. Consider setting aside an emergency fund and investing in professional development to keep your skills relevant and adaptable. This can help mitigate financial stress and provide more flexibility in your career choices.

Webber: Those are great suggestions. How do we deal with societal pressure to choose high-paying majors?

Alice: It’s important to remember that you’re the one living your life, not others. While it’s good to consider advice, ultimately, your career should align with your values and interests. Communicating your passion and plans clearly to those around you can also help them understand your perspective and support your choices.

Webber: Thanks, Alice. This conversation has really helped me think more clearly about balancing these factors.

Alice: You’re welcome, Webber. It’s a complex decision, but taking the time to consider all aspects will help you make a choice that’s right for you. Good luck!


Journey of a History Major: From Student to Independent Writer

Student Life and Learning

David had always been passionate about history, captivated by ancient civilizations and historical events since childhood. Upon entering university, he chose to major in History. During his time as a student, David immersed himself in reading a wide range of books. His reading list included classic historical texts, biographies of significant figures, and scholarly articles on various historical periods and events. He spent countless hours in the university library, engaging deeply with the material and participating actively in class discussions.

Early Career in Media and Publishing

After graduating, David sought to apply his knowledge in a practical and impactful way. He landed his first job at a media company, working as a content writer for a history documentary series. This role allowed him to combine his love for history with his writing skills. He researched historical topics, wrote scripts, and helped shape the narrative of the documentaries, making history accessible and engaging for a broader audience.

His success in media led him to the publishing industry, where he took on the role of an editorial assistant at a major publishing house. Here, David was involved in editing manuscripts, coordinating with authors, and contributing to the marketing strategies for historical books. This experience honed his editorial skills and provided him with a deep understanding of the publishing process.

Transition to Independent Writing and Self-Media

With years of experience in media and publishing, David felt the urge to carve his own path. He decided to become an independent writer and launched his own self-media platform. David started a history blog and a YouTube channel where he shared well-researched articles and videos about lesser-known historical events, intriguing historical figures, and in-depth analyses of significant periods.

His content quickly gained traction, attracting a dedicated audience who appreciated his detailed and engaging storytelling. David monetized his platform through advertisements, sponsorships, and Patreon support, which allowed him to sustain his independent career. He also published a series of e-books and self-published books on various historical topics, which were well-received by his growing fan base.

Current Success and Reflections

Today, David is a successful independent writer and self-media entrepreneur. He enjoys the creative freedom of working on projects he is passionate about and the ability to connect directly with his audience. His journey from a history student to a media professional, and finally to an independent content creator, reflects his dedication and adaptability.

David’s story is an inspiring example of how a solid educational foundation in a field of passion, combined with strategic career moves and embracing new media opportunities, can lead to a fulfilling and successful career.

Journey of an Electrical Engineering Major: From Student to Semiconductor Production Manager

Student Life and Learning

James always had a keen interest in technology and mathematics. This passion led him to pursue a major in Electrical Engineering at university. During his time as a student, James was deeply involved in scientific experiments and mathematical applications. He spent countless hours in the lab, conducting experiments on circuit design, signal processing, and microelectronics. His coursework required rigorous mathematical calculations, and he often collaborated with classmates on complex projects.

James also participated in various extracurricular activities, including engineering clubs and competitions, which allowed him to apply his theoretical knowledge to practical challenges. He took advantage of every opportunity to learn, whether it was attending guest lectures, working on research projects with professors, or interning at local tech companies.

Early Career as a Junior Engineer

After graduating, James secured a position as a junior engineer at a leading semiconductor company. In this role, he was part of a team responsible for the design and manufacturing of semiconductor devices. James contributed to various stages of the production process, from designing integrated circuits to testing and quality assurance. His hands-on experience in the lab during his student years proved invaluable as he navigated the complexities of semiconductor manufacturing.

James worked closely with senior engineers and learned the intricacies of semiconductor technology, including photolithography, etching, and doping processes. He quickly gained a reputation for his problem-solving skills and attention to detail, which led to increased responsibilities and more challenging projects.

Transition to Semiconductor Production Management

With several years of experience under his belt, James aspired to move into a managerial role. He took additional courses in management and leadership while continuing to excel in his engineering duties. His hard work paid off when he was promoted to a production manager in the semiconductor manufacturing division.

In this new role, James was responsible for overseeing the entire production process, ensuring that the manufacturing operations ran smoothly and efficiently. He managed a team of engineers and technicians, coordinated with suppliers, and implemented quality control measures to maintain high standards. His strong technical background, combined with his leadership skills, enabled him to optimize production workflows and increase overall efficiency.

Current Success and Reflections

Today, James is a well-respected semiconductor production manager. His work is demanding, often requiring long hours and meticulous attention to detail, but it is also highly rewarding. The financial stability and wealth he has accumulated through his career provide him with a comfortable lifestyle. Despite the busy schedule, James finds fulfillment in the challenges of his job and the continuous innovation in the semiconductor industry.

James’s journey from a dedicated student conducting scientific experiments and mathematical calculations to a successful production manager highlights the importance of hard work, continuous learning, and adaptability. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring engineers who aim to combine technical expertise with managerial acumen to achieve career success.


文學院, College of Liberal Arts

中國文學系, Department of Chinese Literature
外國語文學系, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures
歷史學系, Department of History
哲學系, Department of Philosophy
人類學系, Department of Anthropology
圖書資訊學系, Department of Library & Information Science
日本語文學系, Department of Japanese Language & Literature
戲劇學系, Department of Drama & Theatre
藝術史研究所, Graduate Institute of Art History
語言學研究所, Graduate Institute of Linguistics
音樂學研究所, Graduate Institute of Musicology
華語教學碩士學位學程, Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
翻譯碩士學位學程, Graduate Program in Translation & Interpretation
國際華語研習所, International Chinese Language Program

社會科學院, College of Social Sciences

政治學系, Department of Political Science
經濟學系, Department of Economics
社會學系, Department of Sociology
社會工作學系, Department of Social Work
國家發展研究所, Graduate Institute of National Development
新聞研究所, Graduate Institute of Journalism
公共事務研究所, Graduate Institute of Public Affairs

工學院, College of Engineering

土木工程學系, Department of Civil Engineering
機械工程學系, Department of Mechanical Engineering
化學工程學系, Department of Chemical Engineering
工程科學及海洋工程學系, Department of Engineering Science & Ocean Engineering
材料科學與工程學系, Department of Materials Science & Engineering
醫學工程學系, Department of Biomedical Engineering
環境工程學研究所, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
應用力學研究所, Institute of Applied Mechanics
建築與城鄉研究所, Graduate Institute of Building & Planning
工業工程學研究所, Institute of Industrial Engineering
高分子科學與工程學研究所, Institute of Polymer Science & Engineering
綠色永續材料與精密元件博士學位學程, Ph.D. Program of Green Materials and Precision Devices
分子科學與技術國際研究生博士學位學程, International Graduate Program of Molecular Science and Technology
智慧工程科技全英語學士學位學程, English-Taught Intelligent Engineering and Technology Undergraduate Program
生農、工學院附設水工試驗所, Hydrotech Research Institute

管理學院, College of Management

工商管理學系, Department of Business Administration
會計學系, Department of Accounting
財務金融學系, Department of Finance
國際企業學系, Department of International Business
資訊管理學系, Department of Information Management
商學研究所, Graduate Institute of Business Administration
管理學院碩士在職專班(EMBA), Executive MBA Program
管理學院企業管理專班(Global MBA), Global MBA
創業創新管理碩士在職專班(EiMBA), Entrepreneurship and Innovation MBA Program (EiMBA)

電機資訊學院, College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

電機工程學系, Department of Electrical Engineering
資訊工程學系, Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering
光電工程學研究所, Graduate Institute of Photonics & Optoelectronics
電信工程學研究所, Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering
電子工程學研究所, Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering
資訊網路與多媒體研究所, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia
生醫電子與資訊學研究所, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics
資料科學學位學程, Data Science Degree Program

生命科學院, College of Life Science

生命科學系, Department of Life Science
生化科技學系, Department of Biochemical Science & Technology
植物科學研究所, Institute of Plant Biology
分子與細胞生物學研究所, Institute of Molecular & Cellular Biology
生態學與演化生物學研究所, Institute of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
漁業科學研究所, Institute of Fisheries Science
生化科學研究所, Institute of Biochemical Sciences
基因體與系統生物學學位學程, Genome & Systems Biology Degree Program
植物生物科技產學研發博士學位學程, Ph. D. Program in Plant Biotechnology Development of Industry-Academia Cooperation (PBDIA)

創新設計學院, College of Design and Innovation(D-School)

創新領域學士學位學程, Trans-disciplinary Bachelor Degree Program
領導學分學程, Leadership Program
創意創業學分學程, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program
體育室, Department of Athletics
統計碩士學位學程, Master’s Program in Statistics
運動設施與健康管理碩士學位學程, Master Program of Sport Facility Management and Health Promotion
國際體育運動事務學士學位學程, Bachelor Program of International Sports Affairs

理學院, College of Science

數學系, Department of Mathematics
物理學系, Department of Physics
化學系, Department of Chemistry
地質科學系, Department of Geosciences
心理學系, Department of Psychology
地理環境資源學系, Department of Geography
大氣科學系, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
海洋研究所, Institute of Oceanography
天文物理研究所, Institute of Astrophysics
應用物理研究所, Graduate Institute of Applied Physics
應用數學科學研究所, Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences
統計與數據科學研究所, Institute of Statistics and Data Science
氣候變遷與永續發展國際學位學程, International Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development

醫學院, College of Medicine

牙醫專業學院, School of Dentistry
牙醫學系, Department of Dentistry
臨床牙醫學研究所, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry
口腔生物科學研究所, Graduate Institute of Oral Biology
藥學專業學院, School of Pharmacy
藥學系, Department of Pharmacy
臨床藥學研究所, Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy
醫學系, School of Medicine
護理學系, School of Nursing
學士後護理學系, Second Degree Bachelor Of Science In Nursing
醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系, Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences & Medical Biotechnology
物理治療學系, School & Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy
職能治療學系, School of Occupation Therapy
臨床醫學研究所, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine
毒理學研究所, Graduate Institute of Toxicology
分子醫學研究所, Institute of Molecular Medicine
免疫學研究所, Graduate Institute of Immunology
腫瘤醫學研究所, Graduate Institute of Oncology
基因體暨蛋白體醫學研究所, Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics & Proteomics
腦與心智科學研究所, Graduate Institute of Brain & Mind Sciences
醫療器材與醫學影像研究所, Institute of Medical Device and Imaging
解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Anatomy & Cell Biology
生物化學暨分子生物學研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
生理學研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Physiology
微生物學研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Microbiology
藥理學研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Pharmacology
醫學教育暨生醫倫理研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Bioethics
病理學研究所, Department & Graduate Institute of Pathology
法醫學研究所, Department and Graduate Institute of Forensic Medicine

生物資源暨農學院, College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture

獸醫專業學院, School of Veterinary Medicine
獸醫學系, Department of Veterinary Medicine
臨床動物醫學研究所, Institute of Veterinary Clinical Science
分子暨比較病理生物學研究所, Graduate Institute of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
農藝學系, Department of Agronomy
生物環境系統工程學系, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering
農業化學系, Department of Agricultural Chemistry
森林環境暨資源學系, School of Forestry & Resource Conservation
動物科學技術學系, Department of Animal Science & Technology
農業經濟學系, Department of Agricultural Economics
園藝暨景觀學系, Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
生物產業傳播暨發展學系, Department of Bio-industry Communication & Development
生物機電工程學系, Department of Biomechatronics Engineering
昆蟲學系, Department of Entomology
植物病理與微生物學系, Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology
食品科技研究所, Institute of Food Science & Technology
生物科技研究所, Institute of Biotechnology
植物醫學碩士學位學程, Master Program for Plant Medicine
生物科技與食品營養學士學位學程, Bachelor Program of Biotechnology and Food Nutrition

公共衛生學院, College of Public Health

公共衛生學系, Department of Public Health
健康政策與管理研究所, Institute of Health Policy & Management
環境與職業健康科學研究所, Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
流行病學與預防醫學研究所, Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
健康行為與社區科學研究所, Institute of Health Behaviors and Community Sciences
食品安全與健康研究所, Institute of Food Safety and Health
健康數據拓析統計研究所, Institute of Health Data Analytics and Statistics
全球衛生學位學程, Global Health Program
公共衛生碩士學位學程, Master of Public Health

法律學院, College of Law

法律學系, Department of Law
科際整合法律學研究所, Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

國際學院, International College

全球農業科技與基因體科學碩士學位學程, Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science
生物多樣性國際碩士學位學程, Master’s Program in Biodiversity
智慧醫療與健康資訊碩士學位學程, Master’s Program in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics
防災減害與韌性碩士學位學程, MS Program in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience
國際半導體學士學位學程, Global Undergraduate Program in Semiconductors
重點科技研究學院, Graduate School of Advanced Technology
積體電路設計與自動化學位學程, Program in Integrated Circuit Design and Automation
元件材料與異質整合學位學程, Program in Semiconductor Device, Material, and Hetero-integration
奈米工程與科學學位學程, Program in Nanoengineering and Nanoscience