EngDiary 0001 - Luggage Area

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  5. Battle


Illustrate an airport baggage claim area in watercolor style, focusing on the vibrant and diverse atmosphere. The scene is lively with passengers gathered around a carousel, their expressions a mix of eagerness and fatigue. Luggage of various shapes, sizes, and colors is in motion on the conveyor, with some items standing out due to their unique designs. The background includes airport signs and the ambiance is illuminated by the soft, diffuse light typical of indoor settings. The painting should capture the fluidity and translucency of watercolors, highlighting the blend of colors and the light, airy feel of the space.


In the bustling luggage claim area of the airport, Webber, appearing quite distressed, approaches Alice, a composed and professional airport customer service representative.

Webber: Excuse me, I seem to be unable to locate my checked luggage. I’ve waited by the conveyor belt for quite some time, but it hasn’t appeared.

Alice: I’m very sorry to hear that, sir. Could you provide me with your baggage claim ticket? I’ll look into this matter immediately.

Webber: Certainly, here it is. I’m particularly concerned because it contains some essential items I need for my trip.

Alice: I understand your concern, Mr. Webber. Let me check our tracking system to ascertain the status of your luggage. One moment, please.

(Alice inputs the details into the computer)

Alice: According to our system, your luggage was loaded onto Flight BA245, but it seems there was a mix-up, and it might have been mistakenly sent to a different carousel. Let me verify this for you.

Webber: I appreciate your assistance. I’m due at a conference tomorrow, and many of the materials I need are in that suitcase.

Alice: I can imagine how frustrating this must be for you. Rest assured, we’re doing our utmost to resolve this issue promptly. If your luggage has been misplaced, we will take full responsibility and ensure it is delivered to your accommodation as soon as possible.

Webber: Thank you, Alice. I’m grateful for your help in this stressful situation.

Alice: It’s my pleasure to assist, Mr. Webber. Let’s fill out a lost luggage report to expedite the recovery process. I’ll also include a request for urgent handling given your circumstances. Additionally, we can offer you a toiletries kit and a reimbursement for essential items you may need to purchase while you await your luggage.

Webber: That would be very helpful, thank you. I’m relieved to see the matter is being handled so efficiently.

Alice: We aim to minimize any inconvenience to our passengers. I’ll personally monitor the situation and keep you updated. Here’s my card, please feel free to contact me anytime if you have further questions or need assistance.

Webber: I truly appreciate it, Alice. Your professionalism has made a stressful situation much more bearable.

Alice: It’s what we’re here for, Mr. Webber. We’ll be in touch soon with updates on your luggage.


Lost Luggage

“What should I do if my luggage doesn’t arrive on the carousel?”

Damaged Luggage

“Who can I speak to about a suitcase that was damaged during the flight?”

Delayed Luggage

“My flight landed hours ago, but my bags are still not here. How can I check their status?”

Incorrect Carousel Information

“The screen showed Carousel 3 for my flight, but my bags are not there. Could there have been a change?”

Luggage Claim Process

“Can you walk me through the process of claiming my luggage?”

Security Concerns

“I noticed an unattended bag near the carousel. Whom should I report this to?”

Prohibited Items

“Are there specific items that I’m not allowed to pack in my checked luggage?”

Excess Baggage Fees

“Where can I pay the excess baggage fees, and what are the rates?”

Baggage Wrapping Services

“Is there a service here that can wrap my luggage for extra protection?”

Lost Baggage Claim Ticket

“I’ve misplaced my baggage claim ticket. What’s the procedure to claim my luggage without it?”


In the bustling ambiance of the airport, Emma found herself amid a whirlwind of travelers, each in their own bubble of journeys and tales. Her heart sank as she stood before Carousel 3, the screen above still confidently asserting the arrival of Flight BA432’s luggage, yet her bags were nowhere in sight.

As minutes turned into an agonizing wait, a creeping realization dawned on her that perhaps her luggage had been lost in the intricate dance of logistics. “What should I do if my luggage doesn’t arrive on the carousel?” she pondered, her mind racing through the steps she’d need to take to resolve this unforeseen hiccup in her meticulously planned trip.

Her attention was soon captured by the sight of a fellow traveler, a weary gentleman meticulously inspecting a suitcase that bore the unmistakable scars of a journey not too kindly. His expression, a mix of frustration and resignation, prompted Emma to consider the ordeal of damaged luggage. “Who can I speak to about a suitcase that was damaged during the flight?” she thought, sympathizing with the man’s plight and making a mental note to check her own bags for damages, should they ever emerge.

As the clock continued its relentless march, the reality of delayed luggage sank in. “My flight landed hours ago, but my bags are still not here. How can I check their status?” Emma mused, her patience thinning. The uncertainty was unnerving, a stark contrast to the controlled chaos of the airport that somehow always seemed to find its rhythm.

In her peripheral vision, Emma noticed a group of confused passengers, their brows furrowed as they double-checked their boarding passes against the carousel information. “The screen showed Carousel 3 for my flight, but my bags are not there. Could there have been a change?” she overheard one of them say, echoing her own concerns and highlighting the ever-present possibility of last-minute alterations in such a dynamic environment.

Her thoughts then shifted to the logistics of the luggage claim process, a procedure she hoped to be straightforward yet braced herself for complexity. “Can you walk me through the process of claiming my luggage?” she rehearsed in her mind, preparing to engage with airport staff with a blend of hope and apprehension.

A sudden unease pulled her attention away from her luggage woes. A lone bag sat unattended near the carousel, its solitude in stark contrast to the teeming throng of passengers. “I noticed an unattended bag near the carousel. Whom should I report this to?” Emma thought, aware of the security implications and the collective responsibility of travelers to ensure safety.

Her mind wandered to the contents of her own missing luggage, pondering the regulations that governed what could and couldn’t be packed. “Are there specific items that I’m not allowed to pack in my checked luggage?” she questioned internally, hoping her adherence to the rules wouldn’t be in vain.

The potential of facing excess baggage fees added another layer of anxiety. “Where can I pay the excess baggage fees, and what are the rates?” she speculated, considering the financial implications of her already complicated travel situation.

In her observation of the surroundings, she noticed a service counter offering baggage wrapping. “Is there a service here that can wrap my luggage for extra protection?” Emma contemplated, the idea of added security for her belongings offering a sliver of solace amidst the chaos.

Her train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a sinking feeling as she patted her pockets, the realization hitting her like a wave. “I’ve misplaced my baggage claim ticket. What’s the procedure to claim my luggage without it?” Panic intertwined with the existing turmoil, painting a vivid picture of the multifaceted challenges travelers often face, each narrative intertwined with the next in the complex tapestry of airport adventures.


  • When you arrive at the airport, you must go to the __________ claim area to collect your bags.

  • If your luggage is damaged during the flight, you should report it at the __________ service desk.

  • To ensure the safety of your belongings, it’s recommended to use a __________ lock on your suitcase.

  • In case your luggage goes missing, you will need to fill out a __________ report form provided by the airline.

  • High-value items should not be placed in checked luggage but rather carried in your __________ baggage to prevent loss or theft.

  • baggage

  • customer

  • combination

  • lost

  • carry-on



In the bustling heart of an airport’s luggage claim area, an electrifying Pokémon battle is about to unfold. Webber, armed with his diverse trio of Vulpix, Arbok, and Mankey, faces off against Alice, a seasoned airport staff member, who counters with her formidable lineup of Charmeleon, Jynx, and Slowpoke.

As the battle commences, Webber’s Vulpix darts forward, its flames flickering intensely. It launches a Fire Spin, creating a swirling vortex of fire aimed directly at Alice’s Charmeleon. In a stunning display of agility, Charmeleon counters with Dragon Rage, unleashing a fierce blast of blue flame that clashes with the Fire Spin, causing a brilliant explosion that lights up the luggage area.

Not to be outdone, Alice’s Jynx steps forward, its eyes glimmering with psychic energy. It performs a mesmerizing Lovely Kiss, attempting to put Arbok to sleep. However, Webber’s Arbok, swift and cunning, evades the attack and strikes back with a venomous Poison Fang, aiming to weaken Jynx with its toxic bite.

The battle heats up as Alice calls upon her Slowpoke, known for its leisurely pace but powerful psychic abilities. As Slowpoke begins to focus, Webber’s Mankey leaps into action, a bundle of energy and ferocity. Mankey uses Cross Chop, a powerful, precise strike aimed at Slowpoke. In a surprising turn, Slowpoke responds with a Zen Headbutt, using its psychic power to turn its slow movement into a devastating counterattack.

The luggage conveyor belts hum and thud in the background, adding a rhythmic backdrop to the intense battle. Spectators, travelers, and airport staff alike are drawn to the spectacle, their eyes wide with excitement and anticipation.

As the battle reaches its climax, the trainers call for their final moves. Webber’s Vulpix, now glowing with an inner fire, unleashes a massive Inferno, aiming to engulf Alice’s Pokémon in a sea of flames. Alice, calm and collected, directs her team to combine their powers. Charmeleon’s Flamethrower, Jynx’s Ice Punch, and Slowpoke’s Water Gun converge in a dazzling display of elemental force, clashing with the Inferno in a spectacular explosion of steam and light.

In the end, the battle concludes with both sides demonstrating incredible skill and determination. The Pokémon, weary but proud, return to their Poké Balls, and the trainers exchange a handshake, their spirits high from the thrill of the match. The onlookers, inspired by the display of camaraderie and sportsmanship, erupt into applause, their day made unforgettable by the unexpected Pokémon battle in the heart of the airport.