Microsoft Retired Documents 微軟 MSDN 經典文件

  1. 說明
  2. Patterns & Practices
    1. /Solution Development Fundamentals/General Guidance
    2. /Solution Development Fundamentals/Performance
    3. /Solution Development Fundamentals/ALM
    4. /Retired/Solution Development Fundamentals/Security
    5. /Retired/Solution Development Fundamentals/Performance
    6. /Retired/Web Development/
  3. ASP.NET
    1. /Understanding the ASP.NET Infrastructure
    2. /ASP.NET Life Cycle

整理微軟已經 MSDN 時代退役的文件,雖然與最新的版本技術有所落差,但其中關於 Performance Tunning、Security Best Practices 以及 Architecture Deisgn 的部分,亙古不變,仍是值得參考的精品。



現在這些 MSDN 時代的文件,隱藏在微軟文件的一隅:舊版文件 (Previous Version Docs)

Patterns & Practices

/Solution Development Fundamentals/General Guidance

Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition

關於架構設計的討論,Presentation、Business、Data 以及 Service Layer。在其他文件或者影片中常常被提及的分層,都被視為理所當然,而這份文件可以做為系統分層背景知識的獲取來源。

/Solution Development Fundamentals/Performance

Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications

/Solution Development Fundamentals/ALM

Building a Release Pipeline with Team Foundation Server 2012

Testing for Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio 2012

有故事、有漫畫,討論 TFS 的 Release Pipeline,讓人驚喜 Azure DevOps 的 CI/CD 不是一蹴可幾,早在 TFS 時代,微軟就已經投入許多的努力。

/Retired/Solution Development Fundamentals/Security

Security Guidance for Applications

關於 Windows Auth 的解釋、Security Guidelines 以及 Security Checklists

/Retired/Solution Development Fundamentals/Performance

April 2004

Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability


Chapter 14 — Improving SQL Server Performance 有豐富關於資料庫效能調校的知識。

/Retired/Web Development/

January 2006
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications

June 2003
Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures

November 2003
Design and Implementation Guidelines for Web Clients

August 2001
Authentication in ASP.NET: .NET Security Guidance


/Understanding the ASP.NET Infrastructure

HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules Overview

ASP.NET State Management Overview

ASP.NET Routing

/ASP.NET Life Cycle

ASP.NET Application Life Cycle Overview for IIS 7.0

Understanding ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation

ASP.NET Application Life Cycle Overview

Introduction to IIS Architectures

Web Server and ASP.NET Application Life Cycle in Depth | Code Project

ASP.NET Application and Page Life Cycle | Code Project