Azure AZ-104 實作實驗筆記

  1. AZ-900
    1. Create a virtual machine
    2. Create a virtual network
    3. Create blob storage
    4. Create a SQL database
    5. Create Web App Service
  2. AZ-104
    1. Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes
    2. Azure site-to-site VPN gateway
    3. Network Peering
    4. Network Watcher

筆記準備 AZ-104 過程中,從 Microsoft Learn 中發現的有趣架構圖與實作課程,作為日後要使用相關雲端服務複習或者架構參考的切入點。



Create a virtual machine

Create a virtual machine

Create a virtual network

Create a virtual network

Create blob storage

Create blob storage

Create a SQL database

Create a SQL database

Create Web App Service

Create Web App Service


Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes

What is an NVA?
What is an NVA?

public route to private
private route to public

Create custom routes
Create an NVA and virtual machines
Route traffic through the NVA

Azure site-to-site VPN gateway

site-to-site VPN gateway

Prepare Azure and on-premises virtual networks by using Azure CLI commands
Create a site-to-site VPN gateway by using Azure CLI commands

Network Peering

Network Peering

Prepare virtual networks for peering by using Azure CLI commands
Configure virtual network peering connections by using Azure CLI commands
Verify virtual network peering by using SSH between Azure virtual machines

Network Watcher

Network Watcher

Troubleshoot a network by using Network Watcher monitoring and diagnostic tools

Lab - Troubleshoot a network by using Network Watcher monitoring and diagnostic tools
Troubleshoot a network by using Network Watcher metrics and logs