如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用 javascript, jQuery, Ajax 來豐富互動與呈現 (AjaxHelper)

  1. jQuery
    1. 使用 Ajax 呼叫 Action 來局部更新 View
      1. Ajax Loading Effect
    2. Unobtrusive jQueryval
    3. AjaxHelper BeginForm
    4. 後端回傳 Json 匿名類型清單示例 (Action Return Anonymous Class List in Json Format)
    5. 使用 Ajax Helper 呼叫 Controller Action 取得回應的 Json 資料 (Fetch Json Data From Controller/Action by Ajax Helper)
  2. Plugins & Packages
    1. Confirm Delete Alert With SweetAlert2

筆記關於如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用 javascript, jQuery,增進互動視覺效果的體驗。



使用 Ajax 呼叫 Action 來局部更新 View

可以用來與 Boostrap Modal 搭配使用,點選按鈕時即時將資料載入 Modal Content 中並顯示。需要先以 Nuget 安裝 Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax,並引用 Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js。


<div class="container">
      "link", "ActionName", "ControllerName", new { id = 0},
      new AjaxOptions 
        HttpMethod = "GET", 
        UpdateTargetId = "elementID", 
        InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace 
      new {@class = "btn btn-primary", style = "margin-right: 5px"}

<div id="elementID"></div>

@section scripts{


public ActionResult AskResponse()
    return PartialView("~/Views/Partial/_Hello.cshtml");

Ajax Loading Effect

搭配 Ajax Loading 效果,讀取前先清空資料,讀取中顯示 icon。

<div class="col-md-12">
    @Ajax.ActionLink("載入資料", "GetData", "Home", null,
    new AjaxOptions
        HttpMethod = "GET",
        UpdateTargetId = "DataPanel",
        InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
        LoadingElementId = "loading",
        OnBegin = "new function(){document.getElementById('DataPanel').innerHTML=''}"
    ,new { @class = "btn btn-info mb-3" }
    <div id="loading" style="display: none">
        <img src="~/Content/images/loading.gif" />
    <div id="DataPanel"></div>
public PartialViewResult GetData()
    return View(db.Data.ToList());

Loading Icon

Unobtrusive jQueryval

  1. 加入section scripts

    @section scripts{
  2. 加入Html Helper, input 必須使用helper 否則必須自打data-val

    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.FacetItem.FacetOrder)
  3. 一併顯示使用


AjaxHelper BeginForm

@using (Ajax.BegingForm("ActionName",
    new AjaxOptions{
        HttpMethod = "GET",
        UpdateTargetId = "divMessage",
        InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace
    })) {
        <input type="text" name="routeValue" value="value" />
        <input type="submit" />

後端回傳 Json 匿名類型清單示例 (Action Return Anonymous Class List in Json Format)

public JsonResult GetJson()

  var empList = new[] { new { empName = "", empId = "" } }.ToList();
  foreach (var emp in db.Wtp_Employee)
    if (emp.Title == "Manager")
      empList.Add( new { empName = emp.EmployeeName, empId = emp.EmployeeId } );

  return Json(empList.Skip(1), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

使用 Ajax Helper 呼叫 Controller Action 取得回應的 Json 資料 (Fetch Json Data From Controller/Action by Ajax Helper)


public ActionResult JsonData(string id, string name){
    var data = new {empId = id, EmpName = name, Age = 25};
    return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

// [GET] ~/home/jsondata/100?name=marry
public ActionResult JsonData(string id, string name)
    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()){
        var data = new {empId = id, EmpName = name, Age =25};
        return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
    return View();



            type: "GET",
            url: "JsonData",
            data: "id=1&name=mary",
            success: function(data) { //data用於接住回傳值

Plugins & Packages

Confirm Delete Alert With SweetAlert2

以下範例結合 SweetAlert2 與 Ajax

$('#closeCase').click(function () {
    var caseId = $(this).attr("data-closeId");
        title: '您確定要結案嗎?',
        text: " 確定結案後便無法再作意見編輯與檔案上傳",
        type: 'question',
        showCancelButton: true,
        confirmButtonColor: '#DD6B55',
        cancelButtonColor: '#aaa',
        confirmButtonText: '確認結案',
        cancelButtonText: '取消',
        allowEnterKey: false
    }).then(function () {
            url: "@Url.Action("Close", "Do", null)",
            type: "POST",
            data: {
                id: caseId
            dataType: "Json",
            success: function (data) {
                swal("結案", "結案完成!", "success");
            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                swal("結案過程發生錯誤!", "請稍後再次執行", "error");
        }); // end of ajax
    }); // end of then
}); // end of jQuery

SweetAlert2 Refrence